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IT Management Training Courses
Get the essential skills and methodologies to effectively lead IT with our comprehensive IT management training and certification. Our expert-led courses provide real-world applications to advance your expertise in technical, business, and interpersonal competencies.

Course List
Featured Course
Effective Workplace Communication
This Effective Workplace Communication course is designed to enhance the students’ ability to effectively communicate with . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Agile Scrum Workshop
The Agile Scrum Workshop course will not only explain the Agile Scrum methodology, but will also provide students the opportunity . . .
- Duration: 2 Days
- Scheduled Classes : 9 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Change Management - Combined Certificate Program
This Change Management - Combined Certificate Program course is designed to provide students with sufficient knowledge and . . .
- Duration: 4.5 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Change Management - Practitioner Certificate Program
This Change Management - Practitioner Certificate Program course is designed to provide students with sufficient understanding . . .
- Duration: 2 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Change Management for Project Managers
Project managers are the original change agents. Projects are usually a result of some change either in the business environment, . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 9 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Cloud Computing Management
Cloud computing has been a huge topic within the Information Technology (IT) community. This class discusses what cloud computing . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Communicating through the new millennia (Effective Communication through the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® and Tetramap® Methodologies)
After completing this zero theory Communicating through the new millennia course, students will learn how to identify each . . .
- Duration: 2 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Conflict Resolution and Difficult Conversations
This Conflict Resolution and Difficult Conversations course is designed to provide students with an understanding of how . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 4 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Consulting Skills for IT Professionals
This Consulting Skills for IT Professionals course is designed to provide students with the concepts, tools and best practices . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 4 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Cost Center Management
The Cost Center Management course is designed to provide students with an introduction to the budgeting process. It is ideal . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 5 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Data Quality and Governance
Data is the life blood of many organizations. Information Technology (IT) managers and individual contributors are the guardians . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Effective Communication in a Virtual Workplace
Interpersonal communication skills within the workplace, ranging from emotional intelligence, to questioning techniques, . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Effective Communication in a Virtual Workplace
This Effective Communication in a Virtual Worldcourse is designed to enhance the students’ ability to effectively communicate, . . .
- Duration: 2 Hours
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Effective Communication Using Emotional Intelligence
This Effective Communication Using Emotional Intelligence course is specifically designed to enhance the student’s ability . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Effective Management (Second Edition)
The business world is increasingly becoming centered around the interaction of different teams, both within and outside the . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 6 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Effective Project Management
In many organizations in our fast-paced-technology-intensive world, “just do it” is a way of life. Managers believe they . . .
- Duration: 3 Days
- Scheduled Classes : 9 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Effective Time Management (Second Edition)
Time is a form of currency, and the ways you talk about it illustrate its value: people say “Time is money,” and “My time . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 6 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Emotional Intelligence and Leadership for Project Managers
This course is designed to provide the students with the ability to improve performance through emotional intelligence. This . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 9 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom
Emotional Intelligence for Business Professionals (Second Edition)
It was once believed that intelligence was the metric that would determine a person's success in the workplace. Intelligence . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 6 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Executive Briefing: ITs 4 Potential Roles in Digital Transformation
This Executive Briefing: IT’s 4 Potential Roles in Digital Transformation course is designed to provide students with explaining . . .
- Duration: 2 Hours
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Executive Briefing: Organizational Implications of Moving from Waterfall to Agile
This Executive Briefing: Organizational Implications of Moving from Waterfall to Agile course is designed to provide students . . .
- Duration: 2 Hours
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Executive Briefing: Preparing Your Organization for Digital Transformation
This Preparing Your Organization for Digital Transformation executive briefing is designed to provide participants with an . . .
- Duration: 2 Hours
- Scheduled Classes : 4 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Fostering IT Innovation and Design Thinking
This Fostering IT Innovation and Design Thinking course is designed to provide students with the concepts, methodologies . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 4 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Getting the Results Without the Authority
This Getting the Results Without the Authority course is designed to provide students with the skills necessary to develop . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 6 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom
Giving Extra that Nobody Values (Emotional Salary Workshop through the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® and Tetramap® Methodologies)
This Giving Extra that Nobody Values course focus on emotional salary, everything provided by companies and is not economically . . .
- Duration: 2 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Great Help Desk and Internal IT Client Service
This Great Internal IT Client Service course is designed to enhance client/user/customer satisfaction. This class expends . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 5 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Hiring Outstanding Teams
This Hiring Outstanding Teams course is designed to provide students with the skills necessary to locate and interview great . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 5 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Human Resources and Communications Management
It is usually the people that make or break a project, not the technology. It is very easy for Information Technology professionals . . .
- Duration: 2 Days
- Scheduled Classes : 9 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Influence-Based Technical Leadership
This Influence-Based Technical Leadership course, based on Eric Bloom’s book “Office Influence: Get What You Want from the . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 5 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Information Technology Management and Leadership Executive (ITMLE)
Information Technology (IT) is a vital component of today’s organizations. As a result, IT executives must be more than just . . .
- Duration: 3 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Information Technology Management and Leadership Professional (ITMLP)
The ITMLP© is the first step toward the full Certification of the IT Management and Leadership Executive (ITMLE©). The . . .
- Duration: 3 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
IT as an Agent of Organizational Change
This IT as an Agent of Organizational Change course is designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills and techniques . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 5 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
IT Help Desk Service in a Virtual World
This IT Help Desk Service in a Virtual World course is designed to enhance client/user/customer satisfaction in a virtual . . .
- Duration: 2 Hours
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Leading Organizational Change in a Virtual Workplace
This Leading Organizational Changing in a Virtual World course is designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 9 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Life as a Technical Manager
The Life as a Technical Manager Course is designed to provide students with the key information needed by new and would-be . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 5 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Making Digital Transformation Certain and Predictable Bootcamp
Coaching tailored to your organization's digital business transformation journey. Set strategic clarity and design an effective . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Managing Hybrid Teams (in-office and virtual employees)
COVID-19 imposed work-from-home requirements on knowledge workers of all kinds and has dramatically accelerated the trend . . .
- Duration: 1.6 Hours
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Managing Multiple Projects
This Fundamentals of Managing Multiple Projects course is designed to provide students with the fundamentals of project management . . .
- Duration: 3 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Managing People in a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Way (Based on ©DISNEY'S approach to People Management)
Are you ready to inform and inspire? This Managing People in a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Way course is designed . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Managing Teams in a Virtual Workplace
This Managing Teams in a Virtual World course is designed to provide students with insights into the tactics, techniques, . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 6 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Managing Virtual Teams
This Managing Virtual Teams course is designed to provide the knowledge, skills and best practices needed to successfully . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 6 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Managing Worldwide IT Virtual Teams
This Managing Worldwide IT Virtual Teams course is designed to provide the knowledge, skills and best practices needed to . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Matrix Management in IT
Matrix management has been a way of life within many, if not most, Information Technology (IT) organizations. It comes in . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 9 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Maximizing User Satisfaction
User satisfaction comes from great internal client service. This class is specifically designed for individuals and departments . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 4 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Meetings and Status Reporting
This Meetings and Status Reports course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the true value of status . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 4 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Negotiation in a Virtual Workplace
Negotiation is a fundamental component of business regardless of the business environment. Negotiation success is best achieved . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 6 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Negotiation Skills
This Negotiation Skills course is designed to provide the knowledge, skills, tips and tricks needed to maximize the ability . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
New IT Employee Orientation
This new IT Employee Orientation class is designed to be customized to meet specific company needs. Its goal is to provide . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 5 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Office Influence in a Virtual World
This Office Influence in a Virtual World course is designed to provide students with an understanding of key influence concepts, . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 8 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Organizational Change Management - Foundation Certificate Program
This Change Management - Foundation Certificate Program course is designed to provide students with sufficient knowledge . . .
- Duration: 3 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Performance Management (Second Edition)
New managers want to be able to step forward and assume their new responsibilities with confidence. You want to be able to . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 6 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
PMI Authorized PMP Exam Prep
This course is specifically designed to provide students with the proven, practical body of project management knowledge . . .
- Duration: 5 Days
- Scheduled Classes : 9 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Practical Leadership
In this course, students will learn the practical skills they need to be an effective leader in their organization. Leadership . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 6 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Presentation Skills
This Presentation Skills course is designed to provide students with enhanced ability to design, build and present high quality . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Presentation Success in a Virtual Workplace
This Presentation Success in a Virtual World course is designed to provide students with enhanced ability to design, build . . .
- Duration: 1.6 Hours
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Project Cost and Procurement Management
Today, more companies are outsourcing large 'pieces' of projects to third parties. The need for procurement management has . . .
- Duration: 2 Days
- Scheduled Classes : 6 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Project Management Skills for the Business Analyst
This Business Analyst course is designed to provide the basics for project management by introducing essential project management . . .
- Duration: 2 Days
- Scheduled Classes : 9 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Project Quality and Integration
In today's fast-paced world, it is tempting to consider sacrificing the quality of an IT project for time and cost considerations. . . .
- Duration: 2 Days
- Scheduled Classes : 9 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Project Scope and Risk Management
Defining “What you need to do” is the toughest part of any project. That is why the project charter and project scope are . . .
- Duration: 2 Days
- Scheduled Classes : 9 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Project Time and Schedule Management
The Project schedule is one of the most visible pieces of the project plan, and it is the key to keeping a project on track. . . .
- Duration: 2 Days
- Scheduled Classes : 9 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Software Methodologies
This Software Methodologies class is designed to provide students with a general understanding of various industry leading . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 5 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Strengthening Feedback (Through the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methodology)
This Strengthening Feedback course is specially designed to provide and reinforce quality feedback at all levels within an . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Successful Presentations in a Virtual World
This Presentation Success in a Virtual World course is designed to provide students with enhanced ability to design, build . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 6 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Techie and Users Leadership
This Techie and Users Leadership course is designed to provide students with the ability to motivate, communicate, stimulate . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 5 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
The Magic of Leading with Excellence (Based on ©DISNEY'S approach to Leadership Excellence)
This The Magic of Leading with Excellence course is not only magically designed for students to identify and develop their . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
The Steve Jobs Way: Innovation and Leadership You Can Use
This “The Steve Jobs Way: Innovation and Leadership You Can Use” course is designed to provide students with insight into . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 4 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Thinking Like a CIO
This Thinking Like a CIO course is designed to broaden students’ way of thinking and expand their management perspective. . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 5 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Time Management and Productivity
This Time Management and Productivity course is designed to provide students with the ability to use seven ‘Productivity . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Classes : 4 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Working on a Virtual Team
This Working on a Virtual Team course is designed to provide students with the practical tips and techniques needed to communicate . . .
- Duration: 1.6 Hours
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
We're sorry there are no current courses meeting your filters, but please contact a training advisor who can suggest alternatives aligned with your goals and interests.

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What is IT Management?
Information technology (IT) management is the administration of an organization's technology infrastructure and resources. It involves overseeing the implementation and operation of critical IT systems and services to support business objectives.
Effective IT management is crucial for modern organizations to facilitate productivity, collaboration, and data-driven decision making. IT leaders must balance strategic and operational demands while managing risk and enabling business agility through technology. The role spans both technical depth across architectures and emerging tech as well as executive leadership abilities.

Key Responsibilities
The key responsibilities of IT management typically include:
- Developing and implementing IT strategies, policies, and procedures aligned with the organization's overall business goals
- Managing IT budgets, staffing, and assets to deliver IT services cost-effectively
- Overseeing the selection and integration of hardware, software, and network infrastructure
- Establishing IT security policies and controls to protect systems and data
- Managing relationships with technology vendors and service providers
- Monitoring IT system performance and availability to ensure optimal uptime and response
- Driving process improvements and innovations through new technologies and systems
- Ensuring compliance with technology laws, regulations, and industry standards

The Value of IT Management Training for Technology Leaders
Information technology (IT) management training provides critical development opportunities for IT leaders seeking to enhance their skills. Here are some key benefits of IT management training:
- Improves technical skills - Training provides IT managers the latest knowledge on solutions like cloud, automation, cybersecurity, etc. to effectively manage infrastructure and teams.
- Builds leadership abilities - Courses allow IT managers to develop soft skills like strategic thinking, relationship-building, and communication to lead teams and drive business alignment.
- Drives professional development - Certifications and credentials gained through training showcase expertise and career growth in the IT management field.
- Enables better decision-making - Training equips IT managers with methodologies and frameworks to critically evaluate solutions and make data-driven choices for tech investments.
- Boosts operational excellence - Education on best practices for IT service delivery, project management, and governance improves reliability and efficiency.
- Reduces risk - Knowledge around risk management, regulatory compliance, and cybersecurity empowers IT leaders to effectively safeguard the organization from threats.
- Creates a learning culture - Leading by example, trained IT managers can nurture skill development and knowledge sharing within their teams.
- Provides career advancement - Developing new capabilities through training programs prepares IT managers for greater responsibilities and leadership roles.
- Enhances credibility - Expertise and certifications gained validate IT managers' qualifications and merit.
Boost Efficiency With Strategic IT Management Training
IT management training develops the capabilities of both technical and non-technical professionals to maximize technology investments.
For IT leaders, it provides latest skills to optimize infrastructure and resources. For business decision-makers, it offers insights on aligning objectives with IT capabilities.
This strategic learning approach creates an integrated view of how technology can accelerate growth and performance. Companies can improve operational excellence, agility, and competitive edge.
Schedule a free consultation to discuss how our targeted IT management training programs can empower your people and organization.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is IT management training?
IT management training encompasses a wide range of courses and certifications designed to develop the technical, leadership, and business skills of technology professionals managing infrastructure, teams, systems, and services. Training equips IT managers with methodologies like project management.
Who should take IT management training?
IT management training is ideal for CIOs, IT directors, infrastructure managers, IT project managers, and other IT professionals overseeing technology strategy and operations. It's also valuable for non-technical leaders who collaborate with IT.
What skills does the training cover?
IT management training develops both hard and soft skills. Technical skills include cloud, security, networking. Leadership skills cover communication, collaboration, strategic thinking, and relationship management. Business skills involve budgeting, vendor management, alignment, and governance.
What are the training formats available?
We offer flexible learning options including instructor-led classes in-person and live online, on-demand online courses, customized private training, and blended solutions. Training is available as individual courses or comprehensive learning journeys.
What are the main benefits of training?
Key benefits include improved decision-making through methodologies, enhanced leadership and communication abilities, reduced risk, increased innovation through new tech skills, career advancement opportunities, and validated expertise through certifications.
How is the training kept up-to-date?
Our extensive instructor network includes both experienced practitioners and subject matter experts. They constantly update content with the latest best practices and technologies to ensure relevance.
How do I choose the right courses?
We provide personal training advisors to understand your development goals and role, then recommend the optimal training plan or learning path aligned to those needs.
Can training be customized for our organization?
Yes, our flexible private training options allow us to tailor both content and delivery to your specific technical environment, business objectives, and learning culture.
Need more Information?
Speak with our training specialists to continue your learning journey.
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