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Terms and Conditions of Use


There are no express warranties except those contained herein or in any applicable agreement. Likewise, there are no implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Furthermore, LearnQuest makes no warranty as to results you will achieve as a result of attending its classes or using its education materials.

Intellectual Property

All material that are made available to you through this website or that are shipped to you, including any books, text, images, data, software and illustrations, etc. (collectively, the 'Material') is the property of, or licensed by, LearnQuest and is copyright protected. AS A RESULT, ANY UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OR PUBLISHING OF ANY MATERIAL, INCLUDING ANY COPYING, UPLOADING, DOWNLOADING, POSTING, TRANSMITTING, OR DUPLICATING OF THE MATERIAL, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED. Subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use as set forth herein, LearnQuest grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-assignable, and non-transferable license to use, view, and retain a single copy of the materials which have been shipped to you for your own personal, non-commercial use only. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, create derivative works from, license or sublicense, assign, or otherwise transfer this license or any of LearnQuest's Materials. You may not link to or frame the Material, the website, or any portion thereof, for any purpose unless specifically authorized in writing by LearnQuest.

Use of Personal Information

LearnQuest may use the personal information you provide for the follow purposes:

  • To contact you regarding a class registration, cancellation or any other changes to the class schedule.
  • To contact you for market research or customer satisfaction surveys.
  • To display your name in messages that you post for testimonial purposes.
  • You can review the LearnQuest GDPR policy in this PDF document.
  • You can review our full Binding Corporate Rules in this PDF document.
  • If you would like LearnQuest to remove your personal information from our systems, please fill out this form and send it to our Privacy Compliance Team.

Use of Cookies

This website uses third-party profiling cookies to provide services in line with the preferences you reveal while browsing the Website. By continuing to browse this Website, you consent to the use of these cookies. If you wish to object such processing, please read the instructions described in our Privacy Policy.

Suspected Violation of These Terms and Conditions of Use

Any violations of these Terms and Conditions of Use, including unauthorized use of the Materials and website, will be investigated and appropriate legal action will be taken, including civil, criminal, and injunctive redress. By using the Materials, you agree that monetary damages may not provide a sufficient remedy to LearnQuest for violations of these Terms and Conditions of Use and you hereby consent to injunctive or other equitable relief for such violations. You understand and agree that in LearnQuest's sole discretion and for any reason whatsoever, or for no reason, and without prior notice, LearnQuest may terminate your access to the training site. You agree that your sole remedy for such a termination would be return of the tuition for the training, minus the applicable Cancellation Fee, if any, as set forth above. LearnQuest reserves the right, at any time, to modify, add to, delete from, alter, or update these Terms and Conditions.

Subscription Terms & Conditions

  • Subscriptions are valid and accessible for one year from the date of purchase. No extensions will be granted.
  • Each Subscription is limited to a single User ID and email address. User IDs and Passwords may not be shared.
  • You may not cancel or transfer ownership of any Subscription order once Subscription has been purchased.
  • Subscriptions are non-refundable.
  • Subscriptions are limited to all currently available IBM Self-Paced Virtual Classes (SPVCs) and Web-Based Training (WBTs).
  • All Subscriptions and available course titles are subject to change at any time by LearnQuest or IBM.
  • The User is responsible for meeting the minimum system requirements as outlined in the Knowledge Base.
  • Subscriptions are subject to all LearnQuest Terms & Conditions.
  • Basic Subscription access is limited to 10 SPVC/WBT.
  • Comprehensive Subscription access is limited to 15 SPVC/WBT and 3 Hours of Trainer Support.
  • Extension/Renewal of an activated SPVC/WBT course requires redemption of an additional course token.

IBM SPVC Terms & Conditions

Before you enroll, review the system requirements to ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements for this course. AFTER YOU ARE ENROLLED IN THIS COURSE, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CANCEL YOUR ENROLLMENT. You are billed for the course when you submit the enrollment form. Self-Paced Virtual Classes are non-refundable. Once you purchase a Self-Paced Virtual Class, you will be charged the full price.

After you receive confirmation that you are enrolled, you will be sent further instructions to access your course material and remote labs. A confirmation email will contain your online link, your ID and password, and additional instructions for starting the course.

You can start the course at any time within 12 months of enrolling for the course. After you register/start the course, you have 30 days to complete your course. Within these 30 days, the self-paced format gives you the opportunity to complete the course at your convenience, at any location, and at your own pace. The course is available 24 hours a day.

If the course requires a remote lab system, the lab system access is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. When you are not using the e-lab system, ensure that you suspend your e-lab to maximize your hours available to use the e-lab system.

Courses Not Eligible for Discounts

Please, note that certain courses may not be eligible for discounts. To ensure transparency and informed decision-making, LearnQuest has assembled a detailed list of courses that are not eligible for any percentage or dollar amount off promotions. It is strongly advised that you carefully review the list before using any discount codes to ensure that you are aware of which courses can receive discounts.

Courses list

IBM Subscription Terms & Conditions

  • Guaranteed To Run (GTR) status does not apply to Subscription enrollments.
  • IBM Learning Subscription gives 1 full year of IBM's full digital library. See IBM Learning Subscription Frequently Asked Questions.
  • Subscriptions are valid for one year from the date of purchase. No extensions will be granted.
  • Subscriptions are limited to a single User ID and email address. Sharing of User IDs and Passwords is not permitted.
  • You may not cancel or transfer ownership of any Subscription order once Subscription has been purchased.
  • Subscription purchases are non-refundable.
  • Subscriptions are limited to all currently available IBM Virtual Instructor-Led Classes (VILT), and IBM's Full Digital Library from IBM depending on the Subscription plan.
  • Subscription plans and available course titles are subject to change at any time by LearnQuest or IBM.
  • Students are responsible for meeting the minimum system requirements as outlined in the Knowledge Base.
  • Students must attend and complete all Virtual Instructor-Led Classes in which they are enrolled. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of that course token.
  • Students must notify LearnQuest in writing least 15 calendar days prior to a Virtual Instructor-Led class (VILT) start date if they wish to cancel or reschedule their enrollment. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of that course token.
  • IBM Virtual Instructor-Led Classes (VILT) are offered on a space-available basis.
  • IBM Virtual Instructor-Led Classes (VILT) are subject to cancellation due to low enrollment and other factors at LearnQuest's discretion.
  • IBM Virtual Instructor-Led Class (VILT) start dates must be scheduled before the expiration date of the Subscription.
  • Subscriptions may not be combined with any other discounts or promotions except where explicitly stated.
  • Subscriptions are subject to all other LearnQuest Terms & Conditions.

Prerequisites and Course Selection

  • By registering for a course offering, attendees affirm the following:
  • Attendees have reviewed and are aware of the topics listed in the course outline.
  • Attendees are responsible for reviewing course prerequisites, thus affirming their preparation for the course.
  • Attendees understand that in order to receive a digital badge or a course completion certificate that they must attend, participate, and demonstrate comprehension of the topics covered.

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