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Information Technology Management and Leadership Professional (ITMLP)
Course Description
The ITMLP© is the first step toward the full Certification of the IT Management and Leadership Executive (ITMLE©).The ITMLP© components specialize in a set of key IT topics designed to increase the effectiveness of new and would-be IT managers by widening their knowledge of IT, discussing techniques to enhance user support and satisfaction, providing insights into motivating technical professionals, and providing information on the use of various IT best-practices.
This certification contains the rigorous, down-to-earth practical advice, and IT applicable case scenarios needed to help you distinguish yourself as a superior leader in the highly technical, yet people-driven world of information technology.
Developed by an experienced CIO, and then vetted by a board of senior IT industry executives, the ITMLP© shows that those who successfully complete the ITMLP© Final Exam bring credible and validated industry knowledge to the organizations they serve.
- IT Managers
- New IT Managers
- Soon to be IT Managers
- Major Vendors and Players
- Cloud Computing Pros and Cons
- Finances and Usage
- User Perspective
- Conflict Strategies
- Quick Conflict Resolution Tips
- Conflict Resolution Process
- Data Management Lifecycle
- Data Lineage and Quality Maturity Model
- Big Data and Process Hierarchy
- Data Governance Group Responsibilities
- Types of difficult techie
- Difficult employee conversations
- Constructive feedback
- Question Restatement and Responses
- Components of your budget
- IT funding and allocations
- Annual budget process
- IT budget issues and tips
- Stakeholder oversight
- Team leadership and interaction
- Business process & CSFs
- Cultural intelligence
- Waterfall, Agile, RUP, scrum, XP, and more
- Source code control, bug tracking
- Multiple programmer complexities
- Developer/tester coordination
- Decision making and problem solving concepts
- Root cause analysis techniques
- Problem definition and future vision
- Prioritization and decision making techniques
- Providers and strategic partners
- Considerations when selecting a vendor
- Vendor management life cycle
- Vendor oversight
- Outsourcing and cloud considerations
- Project/Production Team Mathematics
- Salaries and Career Tracks
- Salary Planning Mathematic
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Self-Paced Training Info
Learn at your own pace with anytime, anywhere training
- Same in-demand topics as instructor-led public and private classes.
- Standalone learning or supplemental reinforcement.
- e-Learning content varies by course and technology.
- View the Self-Paced version of this outline and what is included in the SPVC course.
- Learn more about e-Learning
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