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Linux Foundation Training Courses
Advance your career opportunities with Linux certifications and gain marketable resources. Expand your skills in topics such as Cloud & Containers, Blockchain, Linux Kernel Development, and System Administration with our authorized Linux Foundation training courses.
Course List
Certified Hyperledger Fabric Administrator (CHFA)
The Certified Hyperledger Fabric Administrator (CHFA) will be able to effectively build a secure Hyperledger Fabric network . . .
- Duration: 2 Hours
- Delivery Format: Exam
Certified Kubernetes Administrator
The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program provides assurance that CKAs have the skills, knowledge, and competency . . .
- Duration: 2 Hours
- Delivery Format: Exam
Cloud Foundry Certified Developer (CFCD)
The Cloud Foundry Certified Developer certification is a performance-based exam designed to verify a candidate’s expertise . . .
- Duration: 4 Hours
- Delivery Format: Exam
IBM Learning for Automation Enterprise Subscription
The IBM Digital Learning Enterprise Subscription provides the customer access to a Cloud Library, giving the customer flexibility . . .
- Duration: 15 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Kubernetes Administration (LFS458)
This course covers the core concepts typically used to build and administer a Kubernetes cluster in production, using vendor-independent . . .
- Duration: 4 Days
- Scheduled Classes : 2 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Linux System Administration (LFS307)
Linux system administration is one of the most in-demand skills in IT. Whether you’re looking for expert prep for the Linux . . .
- Duration: 4 Days
- Scheduled Class : 1 Scheduled Class
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Linux System Administration Essentials (LFS207)
Linux is the #1 operating system for web servers, cloud computing, smart phones and consumer electronics. Due to its high . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Linux System Administration Essentials (LFS207) + LFCS Exam Bundle
The Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) exam is ideal for candidates looking to validate their ability . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Mastering IBM AIX: Advanced Administration and Problem Determination
This course provides advanced AIX system administrator skills with a focus on availability and problem determination. It . . .
- Duration: 40 Hours
- Scheduled Classes : 9 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer
The Certified Kubernetes Application Developer exam certifies that users can design, build, configure, and expose cloud native . . .
- Duration: 2 Hours
- Delivery Format: Exam
Cloud Foundry for Developers (LFD232)
Businesses around the world need more skilled developers. Update your cloud-native skills with Cloud Foundry training and . . .
- Duration: 2 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Cloud Foundry for Developers (LFD232) + CFCD Exam Bundle
The Cloud Foundry Certified Developer certification is a performance-based exam designed to verify a candidate’s expertise . . .
- Duration: 2 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Developing Applications For Linux (LFD401)
Learn how to develop applications for the Linux environment. In this course, you’ll get hands-on experience with the necessary . . .
- Duration: 4 Days
- Scheduled Class : 1 Scheduled Class
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Developing Embedded Linux Device Drivers (LFD435)
This course is designed to show experienced programmers how to develop device drivers for embedded Linux systems, and give . . .
- Duration: 4 Days
- Scheduled Class : 1 Scheduled Class
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Developing Linux Device Drivers (LFD430)
Learn how to develop device drivers for Linux systems. This course will teach you about the different types of Linux device . . .
- Duration: 4 Days
- Scheduled Classes : 2 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Embedded Linux Development (LFD450)
This course will give you the step-by-step framework for developing an embedded Linux product. You’ll learn the methods . . .
- Duration: 4 Days
- Scheduled Classes : 2 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Embedded Linux Platform Development with Yocto Project (LFD460)
In this course, you’ll obtain a solid understanding of how to build a repeatable embedded target Linux target using the . . .
- Duration: 3 Days
- Scheduled Classes : 2 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Hyperledger Fabric for Developers (LFD272)
Build expertise and obtain practical skills in implementing business logic by writing Chaincode - Hyperledger Fabrics smart . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Implementing DevSecOps (LFS262)
DevSecOps practices are an extension to standard DevOps practices, focusing on automating security and incorporating it as . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Introduction to Linux, Open Source Development, and GIT (LFD301)
Linux is exploding, and the demand for Linux developers has never been stronger. This course will introduce you to the world . . .
- Duration: 4 Days
- Scheduled Class : 1 Scheduled Class
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Introduction to Open Source Development, Git, and Linux (LFD201)
Learn how to develop open source software. This course focuses on open source software, an introduction to Linux systems . . .
- Duration: 2.5 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Linux Kernel Internals and Development (LFD420)
Learn how to develop for the Linux kernel. In this course you’ll learn how Linux is architected, the basic methods for . . .
- Duration: 4 Days
- Scheduled Classes : 3 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Node.js Application Development (LFW211)
Improve your versatility in creating various types of Node.js applications. Covering a broad set of use cases and using Node.js . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Node.js Application Development (LFW211)+ JSNAD Exam Bundle
Improve your versatility in creating various types of Node.js applications. Covering a broad set of use cases and using Node.js . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
OpenJS Node.js Application Developer (JSNAD)
The OpenJS Node.js Application Developer certification is ideal for the Node.js developer with at least two years of experience . . .
- Duration: 3.2 Hours
- Delivery Format: Exam
Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist
The CKS was created by the Linux Foundation and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as a part of their ongoing effort . . .
- Duration: 2 Hours
- Delivery Format: Exam
Certified ONAP Professional (COP)
A Certified ONAP Professional (COP) designs and runs services using Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) Exam Details . . .
- Duration: 3.2 Hours
- Delivery Format: Exam
Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA)
The Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) exam demonstrates a user’s foundational knowledge and skills in Kubernetes . . .
- Duration: 2 Hours
- Delivery Format: Exam
Linux for Cloud Technicians Essentials (LFS203) + LFCT Exam Bundle
NEW EXAM SIMULATOR! Learners will now have access to an exam simulator, provided by Killer.sh, to experience the exam environment. . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Linux Foundation Certified Engineer (LFCE)
The Linux Foundation Certified Engineer exam is designed for the Linux engineer looking to demonstrate a more advanced level . . .
- Duration: 2 Hours
- Delivery Format: Exam
Linux Foundation Certified IT Associate (LFCA)
The Linux Foundation Certified IT Associate (LFCA) exam demonstrates a user's expertise and skills in fundamental information . . .
- Duration: 1.36 Hours
- Delivery Format: Exam
Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS)
The Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator exam is ideal for candidates looking to validate their Linux system administration . . .
- Duration: 2 Hours
- Delivery Format: Exam
OpenJS Node.js Services Developer (JSNSD)
The OpenJS Node.js Services Developer certification is for the Node.js developer with at least two years of experience creating . . .
- Duration: 2 Hours
- Delivery Format: Exam
RISC-V Fundamentals (LFD210) + RISC-V Foundational Associate (RVFA) Exam Bundle
An RVFA will have demonstrated skills and knowledge relating to the RISC-V ISA (Instruction Set Architecture), including . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Linux Kernel Debugging (LFD445)
Gaining expertise in Linux kernel debugging will position you as a more versatile, knowledgeable and valuable asset to any . . .
- Duration: 3 Days
- Scheduled Class : 1 Scheduled Class
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)+ Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) Exam Bundle
CKA was created by The Linux Foundation and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as a part of their ongoing effort . . .
- Duration: 2 Hours
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Containers for Developers and Quality Assurance (LFD254)
This course will show you how Developers and Quality Assurance Engineers can automate and streamline their processes with . . .
- Duration: 1.5 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Containers Fundamentals (LFS253)
This course will teach you how to do container and image operations with different container runtimes, manage network and . . .
- Duration: 2 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
GitOps: Continuous Delivery on Kubernetes with Flux (LFS269)
Master the art of automating Kubernetes deployments by implementing GitOps – the set of practices that enable developers . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Jenkins Essentials (LFS267)
Increase your earning potential by learning Jenkins, a key tool in CI/CD pipelines vital to today’s DevOps practices, enabling . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Kubernetes and Cloud Native Essentials (LFS250)
This course provides an overview of cloud native technologies and how container orchestration systems like Kubernetes can . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Kubernetes Design Patterns and Extensions
Kubernetes is an open source platform that automates the scaling, deployment, and management of container-based applications. . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Kubernetes for App Developers (LFD459)
Kubernetes is a high-velocity open source orchestration tool to deploy, scale, and update containerized applications. This . . .
- Duration: 3 Days
- Scheduled Classes : 2 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Kubernetes for Developers (LFD259)
Kubernetes is a high-velocity open source orchestration tool to deploy, scale, and update containerized applications. This . . .
- Duration: 1.5 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Kubernetes for Developers (LFD259) + CKAD Exam Bundle
The Certified Kubernetes Application Developer exam certifies that users can design, build, configure, and expose cloud native . . .
- Duration: 1.5 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Kubernetes Fundamentals (LFS258)
This course will give you a strong operating knowledge of Kubernetes, including how to deploy a containerized application . . .
- Duration: 5 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Kubernetes Fundamentals (LFS258) + CKA Exam Bundle
The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program provides assurance that CKAs have the skills, knowledge, and competency . . .
- Duration: 1.5 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Kubernetes Security Essentials (LFS260)
This course provides the skills and knowledge on a broad range of best practices for securing container-based applications . . .
- Duration: 1.5 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Kubernetes Security Essentials (LFS260) + CKS Exam Bundle
This course provides the skills and knowledge on a broad range of best practices for securing container-based applications . . .
- Duration: 1.5 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Kubernetes Security Fundamentals (LFS460)
This course provides the skills and knowledge on a broad range of best practices for securing container-based applications . . .
- Duration: 4 Days
- Scheduled Classes : 2 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Kubernetes Troubleshooting (LFWS313)
Grow your cloud native career with Kubernetes troubleshooting skills learned with hands-on labs and real-world scenarios. Increase . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Scheduled Class : 1 Scheduled Class
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Managing Kubernetes Applications with Helm (LFS244)
Learn about Helm, and how its used in real-world scenarios to manage the lifecycle of applications on Kubernetes. Lab . . .
- Duration: 1.5 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
CI/CD with Jenkins X (LFS268)
This course introduces Jenkins X - an open source tool for CI/CD. Upon course completion, you will walk away with a solid . . .
- Duration: 1.5 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Cloud Native Logging with Fluentd (LFS242)
Get the skills necessary to deploy Fluentd in a wide range of production settings. To successfully complete the lab exercises . . .
- Duration: 1.5 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
DevOps and SRE Fundamentals: Implementing Continuous Delivery (LFS261)
Learn to deploy software with confidence, agility and high reliability using modern practices such as Continuous Integration . . .
- Duration: 1.5 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
DevOps for Network Engineers (LFS266)
Get the skills needed to better integrate with teams and organizations that have adopted a DevOps culture. Lab Info Lab . . .
- Duration: 1.5 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Hyperledger Fabric Administration (LFS272)
Take deeper dive into how to manage, implement and operate on a daily basis within the Hyperledger Fabric network. Lab . . .
- Duration: 1.5 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Linux for Cloud Technicians Essentials (LFS203)
Linux and cloud are two of the most in-demand IT skills. This course provides essential knowledge for configuring and managing . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Linux Networking and Administration (LFS211)
Linux is the #1 operating system for web servers, cloud computing, smart phones and consumer electronics. Due to its rapid . . .
- Duration: 2 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Linux Performance Tuning (LFS426)
Keeping your Linux systems running optimally is a mission-critical function for most Linux IT professionals. This course . . .
- Duration: 4 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Monitoring Systems and Services with Prometheus (LFS241)
Learn how to monitor your systems and services effectively with Prometheus. Lab Info To successfully complete the lab . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Node.js Services Development (LFW212)
This course provides a deep dive into Node core HTTP clients and servers, web servers, RESTful services and web security . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Node.js Services Development (LFW212)+ JSNSD Exam Bundle
This course provides a deep dive into Node core HTTP clients and servers, web servers, RESTful services and web security . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
RISC-V Fundamentals (LFD210)
Learn everything you need to know about RISC-V, the open-source instruction set architecture that is predicted to become . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Service Mesh Fundamentals (LFS243)
Learn how to manage the challenges posed by distributed systems using service mesh technologies such as Envoy Proxy and the . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Linux Security (LFS416)
Security is always a concern, and with major security holes like Shellshock and Heartbleed being announced regularly, it’s . . .
- Duration: 4 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Linux Security Fundamentals (LFS216)
After completing this course you will be able to assess your current security needs, evaluate your current security readiness . . .
- Duration: 2 Days
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
Security and the Linux Kernel (LFD441)
This course provides the skills and knowledge on a broad range of best practices for securing container-based applications . . .
- Duration: 4 Days
- Scheduled Classes : 3 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Anuket Fundamentals (LFS264)
Learn about the fundamentals of the Linux Foundation Anuket project and how it can help accelerate your Network Functions . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Self Paced
We're sorry there are no current courses meeting your filters, but please contact a training advisor who can suggest alternatives aligned with your goals and interests.

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