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BCS Business Analysis Diploma - Oral Examination Preparation Workshop
Course Description
Passing the BCS Oral Examination is the final step towards gaining your BCS Diploma in Business Analysis. The 50-minute exam will see you being interviewed by two BCS oral examiners as they evaluate whether you can put all of the techniques you’ve learned from your certificate modules into an overall context and prove that you’ve gained the analytical and interpersonal skills needed to be awarded the diploma.
This Oral Preparation workshop has been designed to help you do just that. You’ll have the opportunity to revise the core and specialist modules you’ve taken and prepare for what the examiners might ask you by practising some sample oral questions. Attending this workshop also means you’ll receive free access to our unique online learning service, which also covers two key areas of the oral syllabus which you may not have covered: legal issues and types of organisation in business analysis.
We recommend that candidates schedule their BCS Oral exam to take place at least three weeks after the workshop to give them enough time to revise.
The course is designed for people who have successfully passed the required four written examinations that lead to the BCS International Diploma in Business Analysis and who are now ready to take the final, oral, examination for the Diploma.
The course is designed for people who have successfully passed the required four written examinations that lead to the BCS International Diploma in Business Analysis and who are now ready to take the final, oral, examination for the Diploma.
Candidates must have successfully passed the four written examinations that lead to the BCS International Diploma in Business Analysis
This classroom-based course prepares candidates for the oral examination for the BCS International Diploma in Business Analysis.
- The context for business analysis
- The rationale for business analysis
- Sectors of the economy
- Business environment analysis
- Legal framework for business analysis
- SWOT analysis
- Business performance measurement
- Business change lifecycle
- Business analysis techniques
- Investigating and documenting business situations
- Stakeholders and perspectives
- Business activity modelling
- Business events and business rules
- Gap analysis
- Business case Rationale for making a business case
- Contents of a business case
- Options
- The financial case
- Risk / impact analysis
- Lifecycle for the business case
- Requirements definition
- Rationale for requirements engineering
- Elicitation techniques and their relevance
- Rationale and approach for requirements analysis
- Rationale and approach for requirements negotiation
- Rationale and approach for requirements validation
- Requirements management and documentation
- Rationale and approach for requirements management
- Traceability
- Change and version control
- Types of requirements
- Documenting requirements
- Rationale for modelling requirements
- Approach to modelling processing and data
- Selected knowledge-based specialist module
- Relevance of specialist module to the business analyst
- Taking a holistic view
- Competencies of a BA
- Professionalism and business analysis
- Lifecycle relevant to the BA and the specialism
- Selected practitioner specialism
- Relevance to role and responsibilities of the business analyst
- Description and application of techniques and / or approaches from specialist module
- Practice questions
- At the end of the workshop the trainer, who is always an experienced oral examiner, provides participants with practice in handling the types of questions that they will face in the oral examination and gives feedback on the participants’ answers and presentation.
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- Same in-demand topics as instructor-led public and private classes.
- Standalone learning or supplemental reinforcement.
- e-Learning content varies by course and technology.
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