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Microsoft Windows Automation with Red Hat Ansible
Course Description
Effective use of Red Hat Ansible Automation for the Windows IT infrastructure helps improve operational agility while ensuring necessary security, consistency, and repeatability of management operations. In conjunction with training on Linux and network automation from Red Hat, cross-platform automation solutions managed from a single pane of glass become feasible.Course description
Learn how to automate administration on Windows Server to enable your DevOps workflow
Microsoft Windows Automation with Red Hat Ansible (DO417) is designed for Windows Server professionals without previous Ansible® experience. You will use Ansible to write automation playbooks for Microsoft Windows systems to perform common system administration tasks reproducibly at scale. You will also learn to use Red Hat® Ansible Tower to securely manage and run your Ansible playbooks from a central web-based user interface.
Following course completion, you will receive a 45-day extended access to hands-on labs for any course that includes a virtual environment.
Note: This course is five days. Durations may vary based on the delivery.
- Configure Microsoft Windows systems to be managed with Ansible.
- Create and manage inventories of managed hosts and provide credentials to manage them to Red Hat Ansible Tower.
- Write Ansible playbooks to consistently automate multiple tasks and apply them to managed hosts.
- Run individual ad hoc automation tasks and complex playbooks from Red Hat Ansible Tower.
- Create survey forms in Red Hat Ansible Tower to simplify playbook operation.
- Parameterize playbooks using variables and facts.
- Write and reuse existing Ansible roles to simplify playbook creation and reuse code.
- Leverage existing PowerShell DSC code to extend the power of Ansible automation.
- Automate common Windows Server system administration tasks using Ansible.
You are expected to have experience as Windows Server administrators, but no previous experience with Red Hat Ansible Automation or Linux® is required.
Technical requirements
- This class will require internet access.
- You will be expected to “bring your own device” (BYOD).
- Your device must be installed with a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).
- If you are running Microsoft Windows, you should have Microsoft Remote Desktop installed.
- If you are running macOS, you will need to install Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac (by Microsoft) from the App Store.
- If you are running Linux, you may install Remmina from their distribution (if available) or following instructions at https://remmina.org (if not). If they prefer, they may instead install the FreeRDP clients from their Linux distribution (in the freerdp package in Red Hat Enterprise Linux).
- Introduction to Red Hat Ansible Automation
- Run simple automation commands
- Implement Ansible playbooks
- Manage variables and facts
- Install and update software
- Implement task control
- Deploy files to managed hosts
- Interact with users and domains
- Automate Windows automation tasks
- Manage large projects
- Construct Ansible Tower workflows
Related Courses
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Automation with Ansible (RH294)
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- Delivery Format: Classroom Training, Online Training
- Price: 4,280.00 USD
Developing Advanced Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform
RHT-DO374- Duration: 5 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom Training, Online Training
- Price: 4,280.00 USD
Self-Paced Training Info
Learn at your own pace with anytime, anywhere training
- Same in-demand topics as instructor-led public and private classes.
- Standalone learning or supplemental reinforcement.
- e-Learning content varies by course and technology.
- View the Self-Paced version of this outline and what is included in the SPVC course.
- Learn more about e-Learning
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Self-Paced Training Terms & Conditions
ONCE YOU ARE ENROLLED IN THIS COURSE YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CANCEL YOUR ENROLLMENT. You are billed for the course when you submit the enrollment form. Self-Paced Virtual Classes are non-refundable. Once you purchase a Self-Paced Virtual Class, you will be charged the full price.
This is a Red Hat Self-paced subscription; it is intended for students who do not need the support of a classroom instructor. If you feel you would better benefit from having access to a Subject Matter Expert, please check to see if an Instructor-Led version is available.
- Students will receive an access code within 1-3 business days.
- Students have access to the course 24/7 and will need to read and follow all instructions carefully to complete the course successfully within their allotted time.
The Term of a Self-paced Subscription is ninety (90) days from the start date selected at the time of order. While Client may not reschedule the start date of a Self-paced subscription, the start date may be scheduled up to ninety (90) days after the effective date of purchase, if agreed in writing.
Interruption of service shall not be cause to modify the Term of the subscription. Any adjustment to the Term of the subscription will be at the sole discretion of Red Hat.
Right of cancellation by Red Hat: If the Named Participant or Client violates the terms of use of a Self-paced subscription, such as by allowing multiple users access to a single Named Participant’s materials, Red Hat may cancel a Self-paced subscription, prior to its expiration, without refund.
Self-paced Subscription Renewals: A Self-paced Subscription may be renewed, upon mutual agreement of the Client and Red Hat, for successive ninety (90) day Terms. Renewal of the Subscription will be at the list price for the Subscription, at the time of renewal, unless otherwise approved by Red Hat or a Red Hat Authorized Reseller Partner.
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