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SAS Training Courses
Discover the true power of SAS to explore, analyze, and visualize data whether you're a data scientist, business analyst, statistician, or forecaster with our SAS training courses.
Course List
Advanced SAS Programming with PROC SQL
This course is designed to introduce experienced SAS users to advanced techniques in the SAS System, especially the SQL procedure. . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom
Generating Reports with the SAS System
This course is designed to introduce new and experienced SAS users to report generation using the SAS system. Students are . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom
Introduction to SAS Enterprise Guide
This course introduces the student to Enterprise Guide, a product which is a point and click interface to the power and functionality . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom
Introduction to SAS Programming with PROC SQL
This course is designed to introduce SAS programming with the SQL procedure to new and experienced SAS users.
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom
Introduction to the SAS Macro Facility
This course is designed to enable intermediate-level students to utilize SAS macros.
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom
Manipulating Data with SAS Functions and Arrays
This course is designed to explore the area of data manipulation by using arrays and a myriad of functions provided by the . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom
SAS 1: Introduction to the SAS System
This course is designed to teach students how to use the SAS System to read non-SAS files as well as how to manipulate and . . .
- Duration: 3 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom
SAS Business Intelligent with an Emphasis on Web Report Studio
This course is designed to provide students with the skills necessary to generate reports in Web Report Studio. In order . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom
SAS Enterprise Guide 2: Advanced Techniques and Tasks
This SAS Enterprise Guide 2: Advanced Techniques and Tasks course is intended for students who know some of the features . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom
SAS II: Data Manipulation with the SAS System
This course is designed to teach intermediate-level SAS users to manipulate and manage data using SAS functions, DO loops, . . .
- Duration: 3 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom
SAS III: Advanced and Efficient SAS Programming
This course is designed to introduce students to the myriad of methods to run SAS programs that save time and space. The . . .
- Duration: 2 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom
Writing Programs with SAS Enterprise Guide
This course is designed to provide students with skills necessary to write efficient programs that utilize more SAS System . . .
- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom
We're sorry there are no current courses meeting your filters, but please contact a training advisor who can suggest alternatives aligned with your goals and interests.
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