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Introduction to XML using MyEclipse Blue (MEB)
Course Description
This XML course is designed to introduce the student to XML. XML, the eXtensible Markup Language, is an important specification that provides a structured and extensible description of information. This course provides students with a comprehensive discussion of XML and provides hands-on practice in creating XML specifications and documents.Objectives
- Recognize the characteristics of markup Languages
- Identify the difference between a language and a meta-language
- Describe Logical and Physical structures in XML
- Use XML syntax in scripting
- Use XML Namespaces to avoid naming conflicts
- Define XML schemas
- Utilize XSLT and XPATH
- Application Developers
- Designers/Architects
- Programming background
- Knowledge of HTML is a must, however, the participants need not be experts
- Knowledge of how browsers and web communications work is a plus
- Markup Languages
- Markup Language Features
- Overview of XML
- XML structure
- XML vs. HTML
- Well-formed XML
- Writing XML
- Markup syntax
- Naming conventions
- XML structure
- XML elements
- Nesting of elements
- Attributes
- String Literals
- Character and entity references
- Processing instructions
- CDATA section
- Comments
- Introduction to MEB
- XML support in MEB
- Creating an XML file
- Editing an XML file
- XML editor features
- Declaring and using namespaces
- Identifying a namespace
- Namespace scope
- XML Schema namespace
- Namespace Defaulting
- Introduction to XML schemas
- DTDs vs. Schemas
- Schema Elements
- Simple types
- Complex types
- Schema constraints
- Scope
- Value constraints
- Attributes
- Datatypes
- Primitive datatypes
- Derived datatypes
- Types
- Anonymous vs. named
- Compositors
- Model groups
- Attribute groups
- Element contents
- Facets
- Deriving simple types
- Deriving complex types
- Overview of XSD patterns
- Definitions and rules
- Russian Doll
- Salami Slice
- Venetian Blind
- Garden of Eden
- What is XSLT?
- The transformation process
- Terminology
- More on the transformation process
- Examples
- What is XPATH?
- XPATH syntax
- Location path
- Predicates
- Axes
- Examples
- Data types
- Functions
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Web Services using REST
WDXM-361- Duration: 1 Day
- Delivery Format: Classroom Training, Online Training
- Price: 700.00 USD
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