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Advanced JavaScript: Using Ext JS 5
Course Description
This Advanced JavaScript: Using Ext JS 5 course is designed to provide students with instruction and practical exercises using the Ext JS 5 JavaScript Library. It examines Ext JS 5 features such as the MVVM architecture, data binding, and migrating to the latest version. This course examines core library features including the use of the Ext Element object, event handling capabilities, and working with arrays, strings, and other data types. The course provides insight on using Ajax techniques such as JSON-P and CORS. It explores various layouts and containers and examines the data-driven TreePanels, ComboBoxes, and Charts. The course explores numerous techniques for working with the Grid, TabPanel, and the data access classes. An in-depth treatment of creating custom components is accompanied by hands-on exercises. Finally, discussions on the build and deployment features including the creation of SASS-based CSS themes it provided.This course introduces modern practices of JavaScript, such as OOJS and the use of design patterns. Best practices are emphasized with the use of the Ext JS library. Participants are responsible for being familiar with JavaScript concepts before taking this course.
- Successfully incorporate Ext JS 5 into front-end solutions
- Utilize different Ext JS core functions including Ajax, DOM, and event-based interactions
- Incorporate (and extend) numerous components and layouts into applications
- Create custom components
- Incorporate an MVVM and/or MVC architectures
- Primary audience: Developers interested in leveraging Ext JS in Web Applications
- Secondary: Server-side developers, other programmers interested in JavaScript or client-side frameworks
- Strong OO Skills, HTML, and JavaScript Language Fundamentals such as DOM and event handling required
- CSS Fundamentals are highly recommended
- The ECMAScript Standard
- Declaring Functions
- Function Literal Notation
- The Function Object
- Variadic Functions
- Advanced Argument Passing
- Variables and Scope
- Overloading Issues
- The Global Namespace
- Closures
- The Object Prototype
- Encapsulation
- Self-Executing Functions
- Private and Privileged Properties
- Pseudo-private Properties
- Defining Application Modules
- Exercise – Implementing JavaScript Patterns
- Ext JS Overview
- Versions and Compatibilities
- Ext JS and Licensing
- Loading the Library
- Working with Ext JS
- The Underlying Core Library
- The Powerful Element Object
- Unwrapping the DOM Node from Element
- Event Handling and EventObject
- Events across browsers
- Selecting and Querying Nodes
- Creating Classes using Ext JS
- What is Sencha Architect?
- Exercise – A First Ext JS Application
- Working with Forms
- Using FormLayouts
- Dealing with Label Sizes
- FormPanels
- Data Form Validation
- Submitting Forms Using Ajax
- Exercise –Using Core Ext JS Features and Building Forms
- Using Components
- Understanding the Ext JS Component Lifecycle
- Working with Panels
- Dynamically Loading Containers
- Ext JS Window Types
- Working with Layouts
- BorderLayouts
- Accordions
- Viewports
- Creating Responsive Solutions
- responsiveConfigs
- Gestures and Tablet Support
- Exercise – Creating an Ext JS Layout
- What is an MVVM Approach?
- Data Binding
- Working with ViewControllers
- Handling Refs and Listeners
- Defining ViewModels
- Model Validations
- Using Formulas
- Combining MVC and MVVM Architectures
- Incorporating Routing
- Introducing Ext.Ajax.request()
- Handling Responses
- Handling Errors
- Passing Parameters
- Setting Headers
- Setting timeouts
- Evaluating JSON Data
- Understanding JSON-P
- Dynamic Script Tags
- Ext JS and JSON-P
- CORS and Ext JS
- Creating Responsive Tab Panels
- Exercise – Using Tabs and Cross Domain Requests
- Ext.data Package
- Working with Model Components
- Creating Models
- Model Validation
- Managing Data with Sessions
- The Role of Stores/Proxies/Associations
- Establishing Data Stores
- Working with Ext.data DataReaders
- Records
- Using an Ajax Proxy and JSONReader
- Xml Readers
- Incorporating Listeners
- Working with Comboboxes
- Using a RestProxy
- Exercise – Cascading Comboboxes
- Components, Elements and Nodes
- Rendering Components
- More with Panels
- Creating Toolbars and Actions
- Using Tabs and TabPanels
- Handling Custom Events
- Other New Components: Tagfields, Segmented Buttons
- Exercise – Adding Panels and Toolbars
- Using XTemplates
- Executing XTemplates
- Working with DataViews
- Advanced DataView Concepts
- Animated DataViews
- Creating Custom Components
- Extending Components
- Custom Component Fields
- Component Lifecycle
- Dynamic TreePanels
- Trees and Checkboxes
- Breadcrumbs and Tablets
- Exercise – Creating a Tree Custom Component
- Creating the Basic Grid
- Defining Selection Models
- Editable Grids
- Dynamic Updates
- Paging Grids
- Using Widget Columns
- Grouping Operations
- Upgrading to the New Charts Package
- Ext JS 5 New Chart Series
- Creating Charts
- Supported Chart Types
- Dynamically Updating Charts
- Using Sparklines
- Exercise – Incorporating the Grid Component
- Exercise – Working with Charts
- Ext JS 4 to 5 Migration Steps
- Enabling the Compatibility Layer
- Using Sencha Cmd for Application Builds
- Using Different Themes
- New Ext sJS 5 Themes
- Customizing Component Look and Feel
- SASS Overview
- Theming Basics
- New SASS Mixins
- Localization Features
- Incorporating the MVC Framework
- MVC Project Structure
- The Initial Page
- The Application File
- Defining Views
- Creating a Controller
- Initializing Event Handling
- Handling Multiple Events
- MVC Selectors
- AutoCreating Views
- Adding Controllers
- Controller-to-Controller Communication
- Adding Stores & Models
- View Controllers vs Controllers
- Using References in Controllers
- View-Controller Granularity
- Exercise – Creating an MVC App
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