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Solr for Developers
Course Description
This Solr for Developers course is designed to provide students with hands-on experience configuring effective search and indexing.The class begins with basic Solr installation and configuration then teaches the attendees the search features of Solr. Students will gain experience with faceting, indexing and search relevance among other features central to the Solr platform. The course wraps up with a number of advanced topics including spell checking, suggestions, Multicore and SolrCloud.
- Effectively search and index with the Solr platform
- Developers
- Business users
- Administrators
- All attendees should be experienced technical staff with a background in web application operations and preferably, development.
- Solr Overview
- Installing and running Solr
- Adding content to Solr
- Reading a Solr XML response
- Changing parameters in the URL
- Using the browse interface
- Labs: install Solr, run queries
- Sorting results
- Query parsers
- More queries
- Hardwiring request parameters
- Adding fields to default search
- Faceting
- Result grouping
- Labs: advanced queries, experiment with faceted search
- Adding your own content to Solr
- Deleting data from solr
- Building a bookstore search
- Adding book data
- Exploring the book data
- Dedupe update processor
- Labs: indexing various document collections
- Adding fields to the schema
- Analyzing text
- Labs: customize Solr schema
- Field weighting
- Phrase queries
- Function queries
- Fuzzier search
- Sounds-like
- Labs: implementing queries for relevance
- More-like-this
- Geospatial
- Spell checking
- Suggestions
- Highlighting
- Pseudo-fields
- Pseudo-joins
- Multilanguage
- Labs: implementing spell checking and suggestions
- Adding more kinds of data
- Labs: creating and administering cores
- Introduction
- How SolrCloud works
- Commit strategies
- ZooKeeper
- Managing Solr config files
- Labs: administer SolrCloud
- Talking to Solr through REST
- Configuration
- Indexing and searching
- Solr and Spring
- Labs: code to read and write Solr index, exercise in Spring with Solr
- Building a Lucene index
- Searching, viewing, debugging
- Extracting text with Tika
- Scaling Lucene indices on clusters
- Lucene performance tuning
- Labs: coding with Lucene
- Other approaches to search
- ElasticSearch
- DataStax Enterprise: Solr+Cassandra
- Cloudera Solr integration
- Blur
- Future directions
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- Standalone learning or supplemental reinforcement.
- e-Learning content varies by course and technology.
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