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LPIC-2 Exam Prep (Course 1)
Course Description
This course prepares students to take the LPI 201 exam of the LPIC-2 certification. The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is the go-to certification body for vendor independent Linux certifications.This course covers more advanced Linux skills such as system management and networking. Students will feel confident taking the LPI LPIC-2 201 exam with in classroom assessments and practice exams.
Supported Distributions:
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
- SUSE Linux Enterprise 12
- LPIC-1 certification or LPI101 'LPIC-1 Exam Prep (Course 1)' and
- LPI102 'LPIC-1 Exam Prep (Course 2)
- LPI Objectives Covered
- Troubleshooting Resource Usage
- Gathering System Info
- Viewing Processes
- Process Management Tools
- Troubleshooting Processes: top
- Network I/O: iptraf-ng
- uptime & w
- lsof and fuser
- System Status – Memory
- System Status – I/O
- System Status – CPU
- Performance Trending with sar
- Network Monitoring Solutions
- Graphing SNMP Data with MRTG
- Nagios Overview
- Nagios Configuration
- Process Management Basics
- Nagios (Web Interface)
- LPI Objectives Covered
- Booting Linux on PCs
- GRUB 2 Configuration
- Boot Parameters
- init
- Linux Runlevels Aliases
- /etc/inittab (Legacy)
- Systemd local-fs.target and sysinit.target
- Typical SysV Init Script (legacy)
- Legacy local bootup script support
- Managing SysV Init Daemons (legacy)
- Controlling SysV Init Service Startup (legacy)
- systemd System and Service Manager
- Modifying systemd services
- Using systemd
- Systemd local-fs.target and sysinit.target
- Systemd basic.target and multi-user.target
- Shutdown and Reboot
- Boot Process
- GRUB Command Line
- Basic GRUB Security
- Managing Services With Systemd's systemctl
- Creating a systemd unit file
- Introduction to Troubleshooting Labs
- Troubleshooting Practice: Boot Process
- LPI Objectives Covered
- Diagnostic/Recovery
- Rescue Procedures
- Recovery: mount & chroot
- Recovery Examples
- Recovery: Network Utilities
- GRUB 2
- systemd-boot & U-Boot
- Network Booting with PXE
- Recovery Runlevels
- Recovering Damaged MBR
- Recover from Deleted Critical Files
- Using SUSE Auto Repair Mode
- LPI Objectives Covered
- Why Compile?
- Getting Kernel Source
- Preparing to Compile
- Configuring Kernel Compilation Options
- Available Kernel Compile Options
- Compiling the Kernel
- Install Compiled Kernel Modules
- Initial RAM Filesystem
- Tips and Tricks
- Installing the Kernel
- Troubleshooting With GRUB 2
- Boot Process Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting: Linux and Init
- Hardware Discovery Tools
- Configuring New Hardware with hwinfo
- Configuring Kernel Components and Modules
- Kernel Modules
- Handling Module Dependencies
- Dynamic Kernel Module System (DKMS)
- Kernel Modules Troubleshooting
- Configuring the Kernel via /proc/
- udev
- Adjusting Kernel Options
- Linux Kernel Driver Compilation
- Linux Kernel Compilation
- LPI Objectives Covered
- Filesystem Support
- Mounting Filesystems
- Filesystem Table (/etc/fstab)
- AutoFS
- AutoFS Configuration
- Managing Optical Media
- Partitioning Disks with fdisk & gdisk
- Resizing a GPT Partition with gdisk
- Partitioning Disks with parted
- Non-Interactive Disk Partitioning with sfdisk
- Btrfs Introduction
- Filesystem Creation
- Filesystem Maintenance
- smartmontools
- Resizing Filesystems
- Managing an XFS Filesystem
- Swap
- File Encryption With encfs
- Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS)
- Persistent Block Devices
- List Block Devices
- Accessing NFS Shares
- On-demand filesystem mounting with AutoFS
- Hot Adding Swap
- Creating ISO Images for Backups
- smartd and smartctl
- LUKS-on-disk format Encrypted Filesystem
- LPI Objectives Covered
- Logical Volume Management
- Implementing LVM
- Creating Logical Volumes
- Activating LVM VGs
- Exporting and Importing a VG
- Examining LVM Components
- Changing LVM Components
- Advanced LVM Overview
- Advanced LVM: Components & Object Tags
- Advanced LVM: Automated Storage Tiering
- Advanced LVM: Thin Provisioning
- Advanced LVM: Striping & Mirroring
- Advanced LVM: RAID Volumes
- SLES Graphical Disk Tool
- RAID Concepts
- Array Creation with mdadm
- Software RAID Monitoring
- Software RAID Control and Display
- Creating and Managing a RAID-5 Array
- Creating and Managing LVM Volumes
- LPI Objectives Covered
- Tuning with hdparm
- SCSI Devices
- SSD and NVMe Storage
- Remote Storage Overview
- Remote Filesystem Protocols
- Remote Block Device Protocols
- iSCSI Architecture
- Open-iSCSI Initiator Implementation
- iSCSI Initiator Discovery
- iSCSI Initiator Node Administration
- Mounting iSCSI Targets at Boot
- iSCSI Multipathing Considerations
- iSCSI Initiator Configuration
- LPI Objectives Covered
- Linux Network Interfaces
- Ethernet Hardware Tools
- Network Configuration with ip Command
- Configuring Routing Tables
- IP to MAC Address Mapping with ARP
- Network Configuration with ip Command
- Starting and Stopping Interfaces
- IPv6
- Linux Wireless Extensions and Tools
- Wireless Tools Discovery
- NetworkManager
- SUSE YaST Network Configuration Tool
- Network Diagnostics
- Information from ss and netstat
- Discovering Reachable Services
- nmap
- Netcat
- tcpdump and wireshark
- Networking Troubleshooting
- Networking Troubleshooting
- Basic Client Networking
- Wireless Fundamentals
- LPI Objectives Covered
- System Messaging Commands
- Controlling System Messaging
- Archives with tar
- Controlling Login Sessions
- The gzip Compression Utility
- The bzip2 Compression Utility
- The XZ Compression Utility
- Comparing File Changes
- Compiling/Installing from Source
- Tape Libraries
- Backup Software
- Backup Examples
- Command Line Messaging
- Messaging with talkd
- Archiving and Compression
- Using tar for Backups
- Using cpio for Backups
- Using rsync and ssh for Backups
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Self-Paced Training Info
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- Same in-demand topics as instructor-led public and private classes.
- Standalone learning or supplemental reinforcement.
- e-Learning content varies by course and technology.
- View the Self-Paced version of this outline and what is included in the SPVC course.
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