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Linux Troubleshooting
Course Description
This Linux Troubleshooting course is designed to give Linux administrators experience with both common and uncommon system problems. The course is based on the idea that the best way to learn troubleshooting is to perform troubleshooting. Approximately 25% of class time is spent on lecture, leaving 75% for intensive lab content. Class starts with a discussion of effective troubleshooting technique. Tools and topics are gradually introduced over the course of the week. Students practice applying these tools and techniques in self-paced labs. Students can choose from over 120 scenarios organized by topic and difficulty. Because each scenario is independent of the others, students can choose scenarios according to their interests and experience. Each scenario is designed to help students develop deeper understanding while exploring the problem. All scenarios include optional hints designed to reflect a realistic troubleshooting process while only gradually revealing the solution. Students find the flexibility and challenge of this course very rewarding.Courseware supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and SUSE Linux Enterprise 12.
- Demonstrate a Break-Fix Philosophy through the use of learned trouble-shooting skills
- System and Network Administrators
- Security Analysts
- Intermediate to advanced users
- Equivalent knowledge of:
- OSUN-120 Linux Fundamentals
- OSUN-225 Enterprise Linux System Administration
- OSUN-230 Enterprise Linux Networking Services
- The Troubleshooting Mindset
- Evaluating Possible Solutions
- Identifying and Implementing Change
- Define and Follow Policies
- Working with Others
- Finding Documentation
- Finding Help Online
- Common Troubleshooting Tools
- RPM Queries
- RPM Verification
- SRPM and spec Files
- Hardware Discovery Tools
- Configuring New Hardware with hwinfo
- strace and ltrace
- lsof and fuser
- ipcs and ipcrm
- iostat, mpstat, and vmstat
- Using hdparm to Measure
- Troubleshooting with the ip command
- Name Resolution
- ss/netstat and rpcinfo
- nmap
- Netcat
- tcpdump and wireshark
- Lab Tasks
- Determining the System's Configuration
- Troubleshooting with rpm
- Process Related Tools
- Network Tools
- Diagnostic/Recovery
- Rescue Procedures
- Recovery: mount & chroot
- Recovery Examples
- Recovery: Network Utilities
- Lab Tasks
- Recovery Runlevels
- Recovering Damaged MBR
- Recover from Deleted Critical Files
- Linux Boot Process
- Booting Linux on PCs
- Troubleshooting With GRUB 2
- Boot Process Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting: Linux and Init
- Process Management
- Process Management Tools
- Troubleshooting Processes: top
- Filesystem Concepts
- Filesystem Troubleshooting
- Backup Concepts
- Backup Troubleshooting
- Backup Troubleshooting
- Lab Tasks
- Troubleshooting Problems: Topic Group 1
- Networking Tools
- Networking Commands Review
- Networking Troubleshooting
- Networking Troubleshooting
- Virtual Interfaces/IP Aliases
- Xinetd Concepts
- Xinetd Troubleshooting
- TCP Wrappers Concepts
- TCP Wrappers Concepts
- TCP Wrappers Troubleshooting
- Netfilter/iptables Concepts
- Netfilter/iptables Troubleshooting
- Lab Tasks
- Troubleshooting Problems: Topic Group 2
- X11 Concepts
- X11 Server Operation
- X11 Troubleshooting
- Syslog Concepts
- Syslog Troubleshooting
- RPM Concepts
- RPM Troubleshooting
- Common Unix Printing System (CUPS)
- CUPS Troubleshooting
- CUPS Troubleshooting
- at & cron
- at & cron Usage
- at & cron Troubleshooting
- Lab Tasks
- Troubleshooting Problems: Topic Group 3
- Users and Groups
- Users and Groups Troubleshooting
- PAM Concepts
- PAM Troubleshooting
- Filesystem Quotas
- Quotas Troubleshooting
- File Access Control Lists
- FACL Troubleshooting
- SELinux Concepts
- SELinux Troubleshooting
- SELinux Troubleshooting Continued
- Lab Tasks
- Troubleshooting Problems: Topic Group 4
- Kernel Modules
- Kernel Modules Troubleshooting
- Logical Volume Management
- Creating Logical Volumes
- LVM Deployment Issues
- VG Migration, PV Resizing & Troubleshooting
- Software RAID Overview
- RAID Troubleshooting
- LDAP and OpenLDAP
- Troubleshooting OpenLDAP
- NIS and NIS+ (YP)
- NIS Troubleshooting Aids
- Lab Tasks
- Troubleshooting Problems: Topic Group 5
- DNS Concepts
- DNS Troubleshooting
- DNS Troubleshooting
- Apache Concepts
- Apache Troubleshooting
- Apache Troubleshooting
- FTP Concepts
- FTP Troubleshooting
- Squid Concepts
- Squid Troubleshooting
- Lab Tasks
- Troubleshooting Problems: Topic Group 6
- Samba Concepts
- Samba Troubleshooting
- Postfix Concepts
- Postfix Troubleshooting
- Postfix Troubleshooting
- IMAP & POP Concepts
- IMAP/POP Troubleshooting
- MariaDB
- MariaDB Troubleshooting
- Lab Tasks
- Troubleshooting Problems: Topic Group 7
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Self-Paced Training Info
Learn at your own pace with anytime, anywhere training
- Same in-demand topics as instructor-led public and private classes.
- Standalone learning or supplemental reinforcement.
- e-Learning content varies by course and technology.
- View the Self-Paced version of this outline and what is included in the SPVC course.
- Learn more about e-Learning
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