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Linux Fundamentals
Course Description
This Linux Fundamentals course is designed to provide students with knowledge of the fundamental tools and concepts of Linux and Unix. Students gain proficiency using the command line. Beginners develop a solid foundation in Unix, while advanced users discover patterns and fill in gaps in their knowledge. Like all Guru Labs courses, the course material is designed to provide extensive hands-on experience. Topics include: basic file manipulation; basic and advanced filesystem features; I/O redirection and pipes; text manipulation and regular expressions; managing jobs and processes; vi, the standard Unix editor; automating tasks with shell scripts; managing software; secure remote administration; and more.Courseware supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, SUSE Linux Enterprise 12, and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
- Use the command line
- Develop a solid foundation in Unix
- Discover patterns
- Manipulate the Unix filesystem
- Perform complex tasks with the basic Unix notions of pipes, redirection, regular expressions and other tools
- Manage and process jobs through the use of the standard Unix editor
- Construct shell scripts to automate routine or difficult operations
- Help Desk Support
- Testers
- Database Administrators
- System and Network Administrators
Students should be comfortable with computers. No familiarity with Linux or other Unix operating systems is required.
- Unix and its Design Principles
- FSF and GNU
- GPL – General Public License
- The Linux Kernel
- Linux Kernel and Versioning
- Components of a Distribution
- Slackware
- SUSE Linux Products
- Debian
- Ubuntu
- Red Hat Linux Products
- Oracle Linux
- Logging In
- Running Programs
- Interacting with Command Line
- Desktop Environments
- Starting X
- Gathering Login Session Info
- Gathering System Info
- uptime & w
- got root?
- Switching User Contexts
- sudo
- Help from Commands and Documentation
- whereis
- Getting Help Within the Graphical Desktop
- Getting Help with man & info
- o Lab Tasks
- Login and Discovery
- Help with Commands
- Switching Users With su
- Filesystem Support
- Unix/Linux Filesystem Features
- Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
- Navigating the Filesystem
- Displaying Directory Contents
- Filesystem Structures
- Determining Disk Usage With df and du
- Determining Disk Usage (GUI)
- Disk Usage with Quotas
- File Ownership
- Default Group Ownership
- File and Directory Permissions
- File Creation Permissions with umask
- SUID and SGID on files
- SGID and Sticky Bit on Directories
- Changing File Permissions
- User Private Group Scheme
- Navigating Directories and Listing Files
- Disk and Filesystem Usage
- File and Directory Ownership and Permissions
- Introduction to Troubleshooting Labs
- Troubleshooting Practice: Filesystem
- Directory Manipulation
- File Manipulation
- Deleting and Creating Files
- Managing Files Graphically
- Drag and drop with Nautilus
- Physical Unix File Structure
- Filesystem Links
- File Extensions and Content
- Displaying Files
- Previewing Files
- Producing File Statistics
- Displaying Binary Files
- Searching the Filesystem
- Alternate Search Method
- Manipulating Files and Directories
- File Examination & Search Commands
- Role of Command Shell
- Communication Channels
- File Redirection
- Piping Commands Together
- Filename Matching
- File Globbing and Wildcard Patterns
- Brace Expansion
- Shell and Environment Variables
- Key Environment Variables
- Which and Type
- General Quoting Rules
- Nesting Commands
- Redirection and Pipes
- Wildcard File Matching
- Shell Variables
- Shell Meta-Characters
- Command Substitution
- Archives with tar
- Archives with cpio
- The gzip Compression Utility
- The bzip2 Compression Utility
- The XZ Compression Utility
- The PKZIP Archiving/Compression format
- GNOME File Roller
- Archiving and Compression
- Searching Inside Files
- The Streaming Editor
- Text Processing with Awk
- Replacing Text Characters
- Text Sorting
- Duplicate Removal Utility
- Extracting Columns of Text
- Combining Files and Merging Text
- Comparing File Changes
- Processing Text Streams
- Text Processing
- Regular Expression Overview
- Regular Expressions
- RE Character Classes
- Regex Quantifiers
- RE Parenthesis
- Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
- Extended Regular Expressions
- Using Regular Expressions With sed
- Text Editing
- Pico/GNU Nano
- Pico/Nano Interface
- Nano configuration
- Pico/Nano Shortcuts
- vi and Vim
- Learning Vim
- Basic vi
- Intermediate vi
- Text Editing with Nano
- Text Editing with Vim
- System Messaging Commands
- Controlling System Messaging
- Internet Relay Chat
- Instant Messenger Clients
- Electronic Mail
- Sending Email with sendmail
- Sending and Receiving Email with mailx
- Sending and Receiving Email with mutt
- Sending Email with Pine
- Evolution
- Command Line Messaging
- Messaging with talkd
- Command Line Email
- Alpine
- Shells
- Identifying the Shell
- Changing the Shell
- Configuration Files
- Script Execution
- Shell Prompts
- Bash: Bourne-Again Shell
- Bash: Configuration Files
- Bash: Command Line History
- Bash: Command Editing
- Bash: Command Completion
- Bash: 'shortcuts'
- Bash: prompt
- Setting Resource Limits via ulimit
- Linux Shells
- Bash History
- Aliases
- Bash Login Scripts
- The Z Shell
- Shell Script Strengths and Weaknesses
- Example Shell Script
- Positional Parameters
- Input & Output
- Doing Math
- Exit Status
- Comparisons with test
- Conditional Statements
- Flow Control: case
- The borne for-Loop
- The while and until Loops
- The while and until Loops
- Writing a Shell Script
- What is a Process?
- Process Lifecycle
- Process States
- Viewing Processes
- Signals
- Tools to Send Signals
- nohup and disown
- Managing Processes
- Tuning Process Scheduling
- Job Control Overview
- Job Control Commands
- Persistent Shell Sessions with Screen
- Using screen
- Advanced Screen
- Job Control Basics
- Process Management Basics
- Screen Basics
- Using Screen Regions
- Troubleshooting Practice: Process Management
- Automating Tasks
- at/batch
- cron
- The crontab Command
- crontab Format
- /etc/cron.*/ Directories
- Anacron
- Creating and Managing User Cron Jobs
- Adding System cron Jobs
- Troubleshooting Practice: Automating Tasks
- Downloading with FTP
- lftp
- Command Line Internet – Non-interactive
- Command Line Internet – Interactive
- Managing Software Dependencies
- Using the Yum command
- Using Yum history
- YUM package groups
- Configuring Yum
- yumdownloader
- Popular Yum Repositories
- Using the Zypper command
- Zypper Services and Catalogs
- The dselect & APT Frontends to dpkg
- Aptitude
- Configuring APT
- Command Line File Transfers
- Using Yum
- Using Zypper
- Managing Yum Repositories
- Managing Zypper Repositories
- Using APT
- Adding an APT repository
- Secure Shell
- OpenSSH Client & Server Configuration
- Accessing Remote Shells
- Transferring Files
- Alternative sftp Clients
- SSH Key Management
- ssh-agent
- Introduction to ssh and scp
- SSH Key-based User Authentication
- Using ssh-agent
- Filesystems Concept Review
- Mounting Filesystems
- Filesystem Table (/etc/fstab)
- AutoFS
- Removable Media
- Accessing NFS Shares
- On-demand filesystem mounting with AutoFS
- Legacy Print Systems
- Common UNIX Printing System
- Defining a Printer
- Standard Print Commands
- Format Conversion Utilities
- enscript and mpage
- Printing
- Configuring Print Queues
- The X Window System
- X Modularity
- X.Org Drivers
- Configuring X Manually
- Automatic X Configuration
- Xorg and Fonts
- Installing Fonts for Modern Applications
- Installing Fonts for Legacy Applications
- The X11 Protocol and Display Names
- Display Managers and Graphical Login
- Starting X Apps Automatically
- X Access Control
- Remote X Access (historical/insecure)
- Remote X Access (modern/secure)
- Remote Graphical Access With VNC and RDP
- Specialized X Servers
- Remote X with XDMCP
- Configure X Security
- Configure a VNC Server
- Configure a VNC Server
- Configure a VNC Server
- Launching X Apps Automatically
- Secure X
- Emacs
- The Emacs Interface
- Basic Emacs
- More Emacs Commands
- Text Editing with Emacs
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