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Version Control with Git and GitHub
Course Description
Version control refers to the tracking and traceability of changes. It is, in a way, akin to the use of a bookmark in a book, added by a reader, to mark the point to return to when they resume reading. In version control, a metaphorical bookmark marks a reference to a snapshot of the code base. Git is a version control tool. Using Git, you can make, track, retrieve, and share changes on a repository. GitHub is a hosting service on which a repository resides.This is a two-day course that will provide you a thorough understanding of what version control is, why it's necessary, and how it lends itself to application development and version management. With thorough explanations and interesting activities, you will learn all about using using Git and GitHub optimally. By the end of the course, you will have the right skills to safeguard your application and ensure its speedy development.
- Understand and implement version control best practises
- Navigate the GitHub UI
- Understand what the Feature Branch Workflow is and implement its features
- Use forking features, such as submodules and rebasing
- Master commands for debugging and maintaining a repository
- Implement continuous integration with CircleCi or TravisCi
- Gain insight into release management and how GitHub enables software releases
- Defining Version Control
- Navigating GitHub
- Introduction to Versioning Commits
- Fetching the Code
- Utilizing Workflows
- Forking the Workflow
- Debugging and Maintenance
- Housekeeping
- Test Automation
- Automated Pull Requests
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