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Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals
Course Description
This Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals course introduces students to the Big Data and Machine Learning capabilities of Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It provides a quick overview of the Google Cloud Platform and a deeper dive of the data processing capabilities.Objectives
Before enrolling in this course, participants should have roughly one (1) year of experience with one or more of the following: A common query language such as SQL Extract, transform, load activities Data modeling Machine learning and/or statistics Programming in Python
- Google Platform Fundamentals Overview.
- Google Cloud Platform Big Data Products.
- CPUs on demand (Compute Engine).
- A global filesystem (Cloud Storage).
- CloudShell.
- Lab: Set up a Ingest-Transform-Publish data processing pipeline.
- Stepping-stones to the cloud.
- Cloud SQL: your SQL database on the cloud.
- Lab: Importing data into CloudSQL and running queries.
- Spark on Dataproc.
- Lab: Machine Learning Recommendations with Spark on Dataproc.
- Fast random access.
- Datalab.
- BigQuery.
- Lab: Build machine learning dataset.
- Machine Learning with TensorFlow.
- Lab: Carry out ML with TensorFlow
- Pre-built models for common needs.
- Lab: Employ ML APIs.
- Message-oriented architectures with Pub/Sub.
- Creating pipelines with Dataflow.
- Reference architecture for real-time and batch data processing.
- Why GCP?
- Where to go from here
- Additional Resources
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Self-Paced Training Info
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- Same in-demand topics as instructor-led public and private classes.
- Standalone learning or supplemental reinforcement.
- e-Learning content varies by course and technology.
- View the Self-Paced version of this outline and what is included in the SPVC course.
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