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SMP/E for z/OS Workshop
Course Description
This course is designed to provide the SMP/E skills needed in the installation and maintenance of optional features and maintenance in the z/OS operating environment. You are taught to define the SMP/E database and invoke SMP/E to add, modify, or replace system elements. The course includes extensive hands-on labs using a current level of SMP/E.
You will get practical experience in the SMP/E tasks involved in installing a z/OS product. Emphasis is on interpreting results of SMP/E processing. SMP/E concepts examined in this course include modification control statements, the consolidated software inventory, zone structure, and error analysis. SMP/E commands such as RECEIVE, APPLY, ACCEPT, RESTORE, REPORT, and LIST are discussed.
You will also learn how to perform automated SMP/E delivery of z/OS and product maintenance over the Internet with an automated SMP/E process that downloads and installs IBM preventive and corrective service over the Internet.
This course is one step in the following Learning Journey:
- Describe how SMP/E is used as a tool for system maintenance
- Interpret modification control statements in a sample SYSMOD
- Create a consolidated software inventory database to support installation and maintenance requirements
- Use the SMP/E dialogs to install a product and its related service
- Manage exception SYSMOD data
- Describe the use of the primary and secondary data sets required by SMP/E
- Analyze output from SMP/E processing and resolve commonly encountered problems
- Describe the use of the REPORT command to determine software dependencies between zones
- Use the BUILDMCS process to create a function SYSMOD from an installed product and its service
- Use the new SMP/E functions to install software service automatically over the internet
- Implement support for communication server FTP client
- Use the new RECEIVE ORDER command to order and install z/OS maintenance automatically over the Internet
This basic course is for system programmers with no prior SMP experience who plan to use SMP/E for system and subsystem maintenance and installation.
- Use basic JCL statements
- Describe the use of the following z/OS utility programs: assembler, linkage editor, IEBCOPY, IEBUPDTE, and AMASPZAP
- Identify the access method services commands and parameters used in creating a VSAM KSDS
- Use ISPF/PDF panels
- Fundamental Practical System Skills in z/OS , (ES10) (ES10A)
- z/OS VSAM and Access Method Services, (SS83) (H3840)
Required Skills and Knowledge
This knowledge and these skills can be acquired on the job or by completing one or more of the following education offerings:
The students new to z/OS could benefit from attending z/OS Facilities (ES15) (ES150) for additional basic z/OS knowledge.
Please refer to Course Overview for description information.
When you complete the Instructor-Led version of this course, you will be eligible to earn a Training Badge that can be displayed on your website, business cards, and social media channels to demonstrate your mastery of the skills you learned here.
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- e-Learning content varies by course and technology.
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