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Tomcat v7 Administration
Course Description
Tomcat is the leading open source enterprise java web container with support for the Servlet and JSP specifications. This course provides a solid introduction to tomcat administration, covering all the key skills that administrators need to know to put tomcat into production. The course includes numerous exercises where students are able to apply what they learn. By the end of the course students will be able to administer tomcat in a production environment.Objectives
- Developers or administrators that want to learn how to administer Tomcat v7
- None
- Tomcat overview
- Enterprise Java overview
- Tomcat and Enterprise Java
- Running Tomcat
- Tomcat directory structure
- Classifying tomcat directories
- Tomcat environment variables
- Running multiple instances of tomcat using a single set of binaries
- Administration scripts architecture
- Administration script details
- Using the administration scripts
- Web applications overview
- WAR file structure
- Servlets overview
- JSP overview
- web.xml
- Deploying applications
- Packaging and deploying a WAR
- Tomcat architecture
- Tomcat request processing pipeline
- Server.xml
- Server Element
- Listener Element
- GlobalNamingResource Element
- Service Element
- Engine Element
- Host Element
- Administering server.xml
- Connectors overview
- Blocking vs. non blocking IO
- Java vs. native libraries
- Choosing a connector implementation
- APR connectors
- Common connector attributes
- Default http connector settings
- Common scenarios
- Executors
- Administering Connectors
- SSL Overview
- SSL and Tomcat
- Java SSL support
- Configuring SSL connectors
- Connection Pools
- Configuring a JDBC connection
- Administering database connections
- Access Log Valve
- Configuring log files names
- Configuring log file rotation
- Configuring log file content
- Configuring log file format
- Configuring access logs
- Tomcat Manager
- Tomcat Ant tasks
- JMX Proxy Servlet
- Cookie based sessions
- URL Rewriting sessions
- Session Hijacking
- SSL based sessions
- Tomcat session managers
- Tomcat standard session manager
- Tomcat persistent session manager
- Clustering session managers
- Administering Tomcat session managers
- Tomcat Security Overview
- Securing tomcat files
- Securing tomcat process
- Access Filter Valve
- Java security manager
- Tomcat security realms
- Integration architecture
- Mod_jk overview
- Installing and configuring mod_jk
- Load balancing with mod_jk
- Sticky session routing
- JMX Architecture
- Tomcat MBeans
- Monitoring Tomcat with JConsole
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TT5102- Duration: 2
- Delivery Format: Classroom Training, Online Training
- Price: 1,400.00 USD
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