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Developing Applications using Maven, Subversion, Nexus and Jenkins
Course Description
This Developing Applications course will teach students the fundamentals of utilizing Maven, Subversion, Nexus and Jenkins for managing software version control and builds. Lecture and labs focus on creating and building Maven projects, testing with Maven and utilizing Maven for the build life-cycle. Students will learn about the Subversion architecture and utilizing working copies in the software development life-cycle. Conflicts and merging are also covered. Students will also learn how to utilize Nexus to browse repositories and search for artifacts. Jenkins’s utilization in conjunction with Maven for automatic, manual and continuous integration builds will be discussed.Objectives
- Decipher concepts of version control using Subversion
- Analyze advanced concepts such as branching and tagging
- Define how to build and test projects with Maven
- Utilize Subclipse as a primary took to work with Subversion
- Identify the integration of Subversion and Maven while working with Maven
- Describe the basic concepts on continuous integration using Jenkins
- Discuss an introduction of Nexus for local repository access
- Developers
- Programmers
- Knowledge of Java and Eclipse
- What is Maven
- Testing a maven installation
- User specific configuration – settings.xml
- User specific repository
- Getting help with maven
- Using the Maven Help Plugin
- Creating and building a simple project
- Project Object Model
- Plug-ins and Goals
- Lifecycle
- Repositories and their artifact storage structure
- Dependency management – adding and removing dependencies
- Adding resources
- Generating a project site
- Eclipse plug-in
- Lifecycle
- Clean lifecycle
- Default lifecycle
- Site lifecycle
- Triggering a goal during a phase
- Package specific lifecycles
- Common lifecycle goals
- Writing Unit Tests
- Adding test-scoped dependencies
- Adding test resources
- Running tests
- Running a single test
- Skipping unit tests
- Ignoring test failures
- Understanding the layout
- Parent POM
- Child POM
- Running builds
- Introduction
- Subversion architecture
- Subversion components
- Subversion repositories
- URLs
- Working copies
- Managing change
- SVN work cycle
- Creating a working copy
- Initial checkout
- Branching
- Updating a working copy
- Making changes
- Tree modification changes
- Committing changes
- Verifying changes
- Reverting changes
- Using diff
- Dealing with conflicts
- Editing conflicts
- Postponing conflicts
- Resolving conflicts
- Locking resources
- TortoiseSVN
- Overlays
- Context Menu
- Checkout
- Committing changes
- Updating
- Subclipse
- Checking out
- Editing
- Annotations
- Performing updates
- Introduction
- Repository managers
- Central and local repositories
- Maven and Nexus
- Browsing repositories and groups
- Search artifacts
- What is continuous integration
- Features of Jenkins
- Building a maven project with Jenkins
- Automatic builds
- Manual builds
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