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Course Description
This course will teach Apache Storm – a popular event processing framework – to students.Objectives
- Concepts & architecture
- How to install and configure
- Programming
- Logging & Metrics
- Designing Streaming systems
- Comfortable with Java programming language (programming exercises are in java)
- Comfortable in Linux environment (be able to navigate Linux command line, edit files using vi / nano)
- Fast data
- Streaming architecture
- Lambda architecture
- Message queues
- Streaming processors
- Architecture
- Sources / Sinks
- Tuples
- Spout
- Bolts
- Topologies
- Storm Java API
- Bolt / Spout / Topology APIs
- Lab: Programming Storm
- Mapping fields
- Parsing fields in Bolts
- Scalability and Parallelism
- Executors and Tasks
- Creating robust topologies
- Logging in Storm application
- Metrics : capturing and analyzing
- Intro to Trident
- Trident operations
- Kafka & Storm
- Topology design
- Tuning Storm systems
Self-Paced Training Info
Learn at your own pace with anytime, anywhere training
- Same in-demand topics as instructor-led public and private classes.
- Standalone learning or supplemental reinforcement.
- e-Learning content varies by course and technology.
- View the Self-Paced version of this outline and what is included in the SPVC course.
- Learn more about e-Learning
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