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Captivate - Beyond the Essentials
Course Description
This class is a continuation of the concepts covered in Captivate Essentials - An Introduction to Captivate. In this course you will fine-tune those concepts by learning about object styles, master slides, themes and advanced actions. You will be able to personalize your presentations with variables and branching scenarios that will help decide the best path for the learner. You will learn to make your presentations Section 508-compliant with accessibility text and closed captions. Finally, you will learn how to transform your presentations from eLearning to mLearning (mobile learning).
- A practical working knowledge of Mac OS X or Windows
- Captivate Essentials - An Introduction to Captivate class or equivalent experience
Day 1
Lesson 1: A Review of Essential Skills
- Plan eLearning Projects
- Check Captivate¹s Recording Settings
- Rehears a Script
- Record a Custom Simulation
- Edit a Text Capture Template
Lesson 2: Video Demos
- Record a Video Demo
- Add a Video Zoom
- Add a Video Pan
- Smooth a Mouse Path and Show Visual Clicks
- Split a Video
- Trim a Video
Lesson 3: Custom Styles, Branching and Aggregating
- Create a Text Caption Style
- Apply Style Globally
- Export and Import a Style
- Name a Slide
- Copy / Paste Project Assets
- Use Buttons to Create a Branch
- Explore the Branching Tab
- Create a Slide Group
- Publish SWFs
- Aggregate SWFs
Lesson 4: Question Pools
- Review a GIFT File
- Import a Question from a GIFT File
- Create Question Pools
- Move Questions to Pools
- Insert Random Question Slides
Lesson 5: Accessible eLearning
- Set Document Information
- Enable Accessibility
- Add Accessibility Text to Slides
- Import Slide Audio
- Add Shortcut Keys
- Add Closed Captions
- Set a Tab Order
Day 2
Lesson 6: Variables, Widgets and Interactions
- Add Project Information
- Insert a System Variable
- Edit a System Variable
- Create a User Variable
- Use a Variable to Gather Data
- Insert and Format a Widget
- Insert and Format an Interaction
Lesson 7: Actions
- Use a Completed Action
- Name Objects
- Create a Mask
- Control Object Visibility
- Create a Simple Action
- Attach an Action to a Button
- Group Timeline Objects
- Create a Variable
- Create a Conditional Action
- Create Decision Blocks
- Create and Export a Shared Action
- Import a Shared Action
Lesson 8: Masters, Themes and Templates
- Work with the Main Master Slide
- Work with Content Masters
- Apply a Master to Filmstrip Slides
- Edit a Master
- Apply a Theme
- Create a Custom Theme
- Review a Template
- Base a Project on a Template
- Insert a Placeholder
Lesson 9: Responsive Projects
- Review a Responsive Project
- Customize Breakpoints
- Customize Theme Colors
- Use the Position Inspector
- Set Relative Positioning
- Link Objects Together
Lesson 10: Reporting Results
- Set Quiz Reporting Options
- Create a Manifest File
- Report a Button Interaction
- Adjust Slide Object Interaction
- Publish a Content Package
- Create an Inquisiq LMS Account
- Create an LMS Course
- Attach a Lesson to a Course
- Test an eLearning Course
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Self-Paced Training Info
Learn at your own pace with anytime, anywhere training
- Same in-demand topics as instructor-led public and private classes.
- Standalone learning or supplemental reinforcement.
- e-Learning content varies by course and technology.
- View the Self-Paced version of this outline and what is included in the SPVC course.
- Learn more about e-Learning
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