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COBIT V5 Implementation Certificate Program
Course Description
This COBIT V5 Implementation Certificate Program is to confirm that a candidate has sufficient knowledge and understanding of the COBIT 5 guidance to be able to able to apply the COBIT 5 good practice continual improvement lifecycle approach to GEIT, tailored to suit the needs of a specific enterprise.Objectives
- Analyze the enterprise drivers
- Apply the implementation challenges, their root causes and success factors
- Assess current process capability (“as-is”)
- Determine target process capability(“to-be”)
- Scope and plan improvements
- Consider practical implementation factors
- Identify and avoid potential pitfalls
- Leverage the latest good practices
- Apply the COBIT 5 continual improvement lifecycle approach to address these requirements and establish and maintain a sustainable approach to governing and managing enterprise IT as “normal business practice”.
- Consultants who want to learn how to implement, or use COBIT 5 for different scenarios for a client initiative.
- IT practitioners who want practitioner-level training and an appreciation of how to use COBIT 5 for different organizational scenarios.
- Business managers who want to have a more practical appreciation of how to apply COBIT 5 to specific business problems, pain points, trigger events and risk scenarios.
- Prerequisite to this program is the Foundation level certificate.
- General Introduction
- Purpose of the training
- High level learning outcomes
- Structure of the material
- Exam requirements and preparation
- Introductions
- High Level Performance Definition of a Successful COBIT® 5 Implementation Candidate
- “Where to start?” COBIT® 5 Implementation
- COBIT® 5 Evolution
- COBIT® 5 Product Family
- COBIT® 5 Principles
- COBIT® 5 Generic Enterprise Enablers
- The COBIT® 5 Generic Enabler Model
- Taking The First Steps Towards GEIT
- Creating the Appropriate Environment
- Key Roles…
- Phase 1 – What are the drivers?
- Phase 2 - Where Are We Now?
- Phase 3 - Where Do We Want To Be?
- Phase 4 - What Needs To Be Done?
- Phase 5 - How Do We Get There?
- Phase 6 - Did We Get There?
- Phase 7 - How Do We Keep The Momentum Going
- Typical Pain Points
- Trigger Events in the Internal and External Environments
- The People and the Process
- Key Success Factors for Implementation
- The Seven Phase Lifecycle
- The Business Case
- Phase 1 - Input - ISACA Materials and Other Frameworks - Output
- Phase 2 - Where Are We Now?
- Phase 2 and 3 - Challenges
- Phase 3 - Continual Improvement (CI) Tasks
- Phase 3 - Change Enablement (CE) Tasks
- Phase 3 - Program Management (PM) Tasks
- Phase 3 - Input - ISACA Resources
- Phase 3 - Output
- Phase 4 - What Needs To Be Done?
- Phase 4 - Roles
- Phase 4 - What Needs To Be Done?
- Phase 4 - Challenges
Related Courses
COBIT V5 Certified-Foundation Program
COBT-100- Duration: 3 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom Training, Online Training
- Price: 1,755.00 USD
Self-Paced Training Info
Learn at your own pace with anytime, anywhere training
- Same in-demand topics as instructor-led public and private classes.
- Standalone learning or supplemental reinforcement.
- e-Learning content varies by course and technology.
- View the Self-Paced version of this outline and what is included in the SPVC course.
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