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Teradata Architecture

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  • Chapter 1 — The Teradata Architecture
    • The Parsing Engine
    • The AMPs
    • Born to be parallel
    • The BYNET
    • A Scalable Architecture
  • Chapter 2 — Data Distribution Explained
    • Logical Modeling – Primary and Foreign Keys
    • Physical Modeling - The Primary Index
    • Two Types of Primary Indexes (UPI or NUPI)
    • Unique Primary Index (UPI)
    • Non-Unique Primary Index (NUPI)
    • Multi-Column Primary Indexes
    • When do you define the Primary Index?
    • Defining a Non-Unique Primary Index (NUPI)
    • Defining a Multi-Column Primary Index
    • How Teradata Distributes and Retrieves Rows
    • Hashing the Primary Index Value
    • The Hash Map
    • An 8-AMP Hash Map Example
    • Distributing a Row onto the Proper AMP
    • Retrieving a Row by way of the Primary Index
    • Hashing Non-Unique Primary Indexes (NUPI)
    • Distributing Non-Unique Primary Indexes (NUPI) Rows
    • Retrieving (NUPI) Rows
    • Distributing Multi-Column Primary Index Rows
    • Retrieving Multi-Column Primary Index Rows
    • Even Distribution with an UPI
    • Uneven Distribution with a NUPI
    • Unacceptable Skewed Distribution with a NUPI
    • Review – Parsing Engines Plan with an UPI
    • Review – Parsing Engines Plan with a NUPI
    • Review – Big Trouble – The Full Table Scan
    • Big Trouble – A Picture of a Full Table Scan
    • Test your Teradata Primary Index Knowledge
    • UPI Row-ID Quiz
    • NUPI Row-ID Quiz
  • Chapter 3 — Secondary Indexes
    • The Base Table
    • Creating a Unique Secondary Index (USI)
    • The Secondary Index Subtable
    • Inside the Secondary Index Subtable
    • How Teradata builds the Secondary Index Subtable
    • USI – Always a Two-AMP Operation
    • The Parsing Engines Plan with an USI Query
    • Retrieving Base Rows using the USI
    • Picture that USI in Action
    • USI Summary
    • USI Pictorial using the Hash Maps
    • USI Secondary Index Quiz
    • USI Secondary and Primary Index Quiz Answers
    • A Full Table Scan Example
    • Creating a Non-Unique Secondary Index (NUSI)
    • Columns inside a NUSI Secondary Index Subtable
    • NUSI Subtable is AMP-Local
    • A Query using the NUSI Column
    • NUSI Recap
    • Secondary Index Summary
    • Test Your Teradata Access Query Knowledge
    • An Incredible Quiz Opportunity
  • Chapter 4 — Partition Primary Indexes
    • A Table used for our Partitioning Example
    • Range Queries
    • Why we had to perform a Full Table Scan
    • A Partitioned Table
    • One Year of Orders Partitioned
    • Fundamentals of Partitioning
    • Add the Partition to the Row-ID for the Row Key
    • You Partition a Table when you CREATE the Table
    • RANGE_N Partitioning by Week
    • RANGE_N Partitioning Older and Newer Data
    • Case_N Partitioning
    • Multi-Level Partitioning
    • Partitioning Rules
    • See the data
    • Test your Teradata Access Knowledge
  • Chapter 5 — Users, Databases, and Space
    • The most Powerful USER
    • DBC owns all the Original Disk Space
    • DBC Example of 1000 GBs
    • DBC will first CREATE a USER or a DATABASE
    • Teradata is Hierarchical
    • Only two Objects can Receive PERM Space
    • Only difference between a User and a Database
    • A Typical approach to Security
    • Example of a DATABASE and USER Interchanged
    • PERM and SPOOL Space
    • Each AMP will have PERM and SPOOL
    • A Query using both PERM and SPOOL Space
    • Spool is Deleted when the Query is Done
    • Getting a better understanding of Spool
    • Answering the MRKT Spool Query Answer
    • Spool is like a Speed Limit
    • All Space is calculated on a Per AMP Basis
    • Examples of Perm and Spool on a Per AMP Basis
    • Quiz on Perm and Spool Space
    • Answers to Quiz on Perm and Spool Space
  • Chapter 6 — Collect Statistics
    • Parsing Engine uses Statistics for the Plan
    • Columns and Indexes to Collect Statistics On
    • Syntax to Collect Statistics
    • Recollecting Statistics
    • Random Sample instead of Collected Statistics
    • V12 Statistics Enhancement – Stale Statistics
    • Where Statistics are Stored in DBC
    • A Collect Statistics Example
    • What Statistics are Really Collected
    • Loner Values and High Bias Intervals
    • Sample Statistics
    • Extrapolated Statistics
    • Teradata Limits
  • Chapter 7 — Data Protection
    • Transaction Concept
    • Two Modes to Teradata
    • Differences between ANSI and Teradata Mode
    • ANSI Mode Commit
    • Teradata Mode Commit also called BTET
    • Trick to CREATE a Multi-Statement with BTEQ
    • Transient Journal
    • How the Transient Journal Works
    • The Transient Journal after a Commit
    • VProcs
    • Nodes and MPP
    • RAID 1 - Mirroring
    • Cliques
    • VProcs Migrate when a Node Fails
    • Cliques – An 8-Node Example
    • Hot Standby Nodes
    • Hot Standby Nodes in Action
    • FALLBACK Protection
    • How Fallback Works
    • Fallback Clusters
    • Fallback Clusters Exercise
    • Fallback – Performance Vs Protection Quiz
    • The Six Rules of Fallback
    • Cliques and Clusters
    • Down AMP Recovery Journal (DARJ)
    • Write Ahead Logging (WAL)
    • Permanent Journal
    • Table create with Fallback and Permanent Journal
    • Permanent Journal Rules
    • Some Permanent Journal Possibilities
    • Creating a Permanent Journal
    • Create Table Examples with Permanent Journals
    • Each Permanent Journal is made up of 3 Areas
    • Permanent Journal Rules
    • Teradata Virtual Storage (New V13)
  • Chapter 8 — Teradata Locks
    • The Four Locks of Teradata
    • Teradata has 3 levels of Locking
    • Quiz – Which Level of Locking is Occurring?
    • The Teradata Lock Manager
    • Locking Modifiers – The Access Lock
    • Locks and their compatibility
    • Moving Through the Locking Queue
    • Quiz – Which Locks Move Up?
    • A Single AMP Acts as the Locking Gatekeeper
    • Every AMP performs Locking Gatekeeper Duties
    • Explains – The Pseudo Table for Locks
    • The NOWAIT Locking Option
    • Rules of Teradata Locking
  • Chapter 9 — EXPLAIN Plans
    • Explains – Psuedo Tables
    • Explain – Full Table Scan
    • Explain – Primary Index Reads
    • Explain – Secondary Index Read
    • Explain - View DDL of a Partitioned Table
    • Explain – Partition Elimination
    • Explain – Joins with Duplication on all AMPs
    • Explain – Joins with Redistribution
    • Explain – Bit Mapping with multiple NUSIs
    • Explain – How to Recognize a Product Join
  • Chapter 10 — Joins inside the Teradata Engine
    • Fundamentals of Teradata Joins
    • A Join Example
    • Joins and the Primary Index
    • Redistributing Rows in Spool
    • Redistributing Rows of Both Tables
    • Duplicating the Smaller Table
    • Quiz – How Many Rows are in Spool?
    • Quiz Answer – How Many Rows in Spool?
    • How Duplication Appears on Every AMP
    • How Many Rows in Spool with Redistribution?
    • Answer to How Many Rows in Spool
    • An Example of an AMP with Redistribution
  • Chapter 11 – Teradata Temporary Tables
    • Derived Tables
    • A Query Pictorial Example with a Derived Table
    • Volatile Tables
    • How to populate a Volatile Table
    • Global Temporary Tables
    • A Pictorial of a Global Temporary Table
    • What happens to Global Tables at Session End?
    • Global Temp Tables and Temp Space
  • Chapter 12 – NOPI Tables with V13
    • NoPI CREATE Statements
    • The Purpose of a NoPI Table
    • NoPI Increments the Uniqueness Value in the ROWID
    • NoPI Row Hash is different on each AMP
    • NoPI Options and Facts
    • NoPI Restrictions
  • Chapter 13 – Write Ahead Logging
    • AMPs have FSG Cache for Memory Speed
    • An Example of an UPDATE Statement
    • AMP Local WALs
    • AMPs UPDATE rows in FSG Cache
    • Write to WAL and then Write to Disk
    • The WAL Depot
    • Clearing out the WAL Log and WAL Depot
  • Chapter 14 – Teradata Virtual Storage (TVS)
    • AMPs in the 1980’s
    • AMPs in the 1990’s
    • Data Blocks and Cylinders make up a Disk
    • Cylinders are dedicated to PERM, SPOOL, Etc.
    • Outside Disk Tracks are much faster
    • AMPs assigned Disk Cylinders not entire disks
    • Hot, Warm, and Cold Data
    • The old way Teradata had to add Disk Space
    • Doubling the Disk Capacity
    • Incremental Disk Growth is here
    • Mixed Disks and Solid State Drives
    • Solid State Drives are like Giant Flash Drives
    • Virtual Storage Metrics
    • The Two Modes of Teradata TVS
  • 2023 Top 20 Training Industry Company - IT Training

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