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Teradata Basics
Course Description
This Teradata Basics course is designed to illustrate the fundamentals of the Teradata database. Students learn about parallel processing, AMPs and PEPs, how Teradata lays out data evenly, Primary Index use, hashing, Perm and Spool Space, and protection features.This course can be taught using Version 12, 13, or 14. Please inform your sales representative of which version you are currently using.
- Describe the Teradata architecture
- Explain data warehousing and data distribution
- Calculate Teradata space
- Apply data protection including Transient Journal, Fallback and RAID
- Explain V2R5 partitioning
- IT Professionals
- None
- The Teradata Architecture
- The Parsing Engine
- The AMPs
- Born to be parallel
- Watch the Tera-Tom Video on Architecture
- Collecting Statistics
- Parsing Engine uses Statistics for the Plan
- Columns and Indexes to Collect Statistics On
- A Scalable Architecture
- VProcs
- Nodes and MPP
- Watch the Tera-Tom Video on How AMPS store and process rows in Parallel
- Logical Modeling – Primary and Foreign Keys
- A Normalized Data Warehouse
- Normalization
- Dimensional Modeling also called Star Schema
- Physical Modeling - The Primary Index
- Two Types of Primary Indexes (UPI or NUPI)
- Unique Primary Index (UPI)
- Non-Unique Primary Index (NUPI)
- Multi-Column Primary Indexes
- When do you define the Primary Index?
- Watch the Tera-Tom Video on Primary Indexes
- How Teradata Distributes and Retrieves Rows
- Hashing the Primary Index Value
- The Hash Map
- Laying a Row onto the Proper AMP
- Retrieving a Row by way of the Primary Index
- Placing Non-Unique Primary Indexes (NUPI) Rows
- Non-Unique Primary Indexes Continued
- Placing (NUPI) Rows Continued
- Retrieving (NUPI) Rows
- Even Distribution with an UPI
- Uneven Distribution with a NUPI
- Unacceptable Distribution with a NUPI
- Big Trouble – A Picture of a Full Table Scan
- A Visual for Data Layout
- Watch the Tera-Tom Video on Data Placement
- Bonus Video - Tera-Tom Video on the Row-ID
- Test your Teradata Primary Index Knowledge
- Secondary Indexes
- The Secondary Index Subtable
- USI – Always a Two-AMP Operation
- USI Summary
- Watch the Tera-Tom Video on Unique Secondary Indexes (USI)
- NUSI Subtable is AMP-Local
- NUSI Recap
- Secondary Index Summary
- Watch the Tera-Tom Video on Non-Unique Secondary Indexes (NUSI)
- A Table used for our Partitioning Example
- Range Queries
- Why we had to perform a Full Table Scan
- A Partitioned Table
- A Partitioned Table
- One Year of Orders Partitioned
- Fundamentals of Partitioning
- Add the Partition to the Row-ID for the Row Key
- Multi-Level Partitioning
- Partitioning Rules
- Watch the Tera-Tom Video on Partitioning
- The most Powerful USER
- DBC owns all the Disk Space
- DBC Example of 1000 GBs
- DBC will first CREATE a USER or a DATABASE
- Teradata is Hierarchical
- Only two Objects can Receive PERM Space
- PERM, SPOOL and TEMP Space
- Spool is like a Speed Limit
- All Space is calculated on a Per AMP Basis
- Watch the Tera-Tom Video on Space
- Introduction to a Join Index
- Join Index Fundamentals
- A Multi-Table Join Index Example
- Multi-Table Join Index Picture
- Single-Table Join Index
- Aggregate Join Index
- Join Index Details to Remember
- Watch the Tera-Tom Video on the Parody Teradata Query Search-Off
- Data Protection
- Transaction Concept
- Transient Journal
- RAID 1 - Mirroring
- Cliques
- VProcs Migrate when a Node Fails
- Cliques – An 8-Node Example
- Hot Standby Nodes
- Hot Standby Nodes in Action
- FALLBACK Protection
- How Fallback Works
- Fallback Clusters Exercise
- Fallback Clusters
- The Six Rules of Fallback
- Down AMP Recovery Journal (DARJ)
- Permanent Journal
- Permanent Journal Rules
- The Four Locks of Teradata
- Teradata has 3 levels of Locking
- Locking Modifiers – The Access Lock
- Locks and their compatibility
- The Active Data Warehouse
- Operational Data Stores Vs the Data Warehouse
- How is all Started - OLTP, DSS, OLCP, and OLAP
- Data Marts
- Distributed Data Warehousing – The Future
- Watch the Tera-Tom Video on the Nexus Nerds
- Centralized Data Warehousing
- Teradata V12 Platforms
- Teradata V12 Operating Systems
- A Typical Cabinet and Node
- LAN Connection for Network Attached Clients
- Mainframe Connection to Teradata
- Access Rights
- Automatic, Implicit, and Explicit Rights
- Roles
- Profiles
- Views
- Macros
- Stored Procedures
- User Defined Functions (UDF)
- Teradata Analyst Pack
- Teradata Visual Explain Utility
- Index Wizard
- Statistics Wizard
- Three Levels of Workload Management
- Teradata Dynamic Workload Manager
- Priority Scheduler Fundamentals
- Priority Scheduler with Additional Partitions
- Database Query Log (DBQL)
- Teradata Workload Analyzer
- Performance Monitor
- Teradata Load Utilities
- Teradata Load Utilities Continued
- The Four Types of BTEQ Exports
- FastLoad
- FastLoad has Two Phases
- A Sample FastLoad Script
- The SmartScript FastLoad Builder
- MultiLoad
- A Sample MultiLoad Script
- The SmartScript MultiLoad Builder
- TPump
- Limitations of TPump
- A Sample TPump Script
- The SmartScript TPump Builder
- FastExport
- Teradata Parallel Transport
- TPT Operators and their Functions
- TPT Operator Types
- TPT Operators and their Equivalent Load Utility
- How to Run a TPT Script
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