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System Programmers Training Courses
As a system programmer, you know how important it is to stay up-to-date with the latest technology. Our System Programmers Training Courses will equip you with the skills you need to excel in your job. Join us to learn advanced parallel sysplex operations and assembler coding that will help you become an expert in no time.

Course List
Advanced Parallel Sysplex Operations and Recovery Workshop
This course describes advanced operator actions to implement new policies, coupling facilities, structures and sysplex related . . .
- Duration: 36 Hours
- Scheduled Classes : 9 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
IBM System z Parallel Sysplex Operations
This course is designed so that students can learn how z/OS systems operate in a Parallel Sysplex environment through discussion . . .
- Duration: 24 Hours
- Scheduled Classes : 6 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Parallel Sysplex Implementation Workshop
This course is developed for systems programmers working on an implementation of a Parallel Sysplex. It covers the details . . .
- Duration: 36 Hours
- Scheduled Classes : 8 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Basics of z/OS RACF Administration
This course begins with an introduction to the z/OS environment, TSO and ISPF/PDF, batch processing, and z/OS data sets. . . .
- Duration: 36 Hours
- Scheduled Classes : 8 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Effective RACF Administration
This course prepares you to be a more effective security administrator as you gain experience and confidence in using the . . .
- Duration: 36 Hours
- Scheduled Classes : 8 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Pervasive Encryption on z/OS
IBM z15 has been designed for pervasive encryption, enabling organizations to encrypt 100% of an organization’s IBM Z critical . . .
- Duration: 24 Hours
- Scheduled Classes : 9 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
SMP/E for z/OS Workshop
This course is designed to provide the SMP/E skills needed in the installation and maintenance of optional features and maintenance . . .
- Duration: 36 Hours
- Scheduled Classes : 8 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
IBM z/OS 2.4 Update
This course is designed to teach students the new features and enhanced functions provided in z/OS Version 2 Release 4. The . . .
- Duration: 24 Hours
- Scheduled Classes : 8 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Introduction to Programming
Have you heard that computer coding is the ‘cool’ skill to have, but don’t know where to start? Or have you been working . . .
- Duration: 4 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
z/OS Facilities
This classroom course introduces the base elements, optional features, and servers that are provided in z/OS. It focuses . . .
- Duration: 36 Hours
- Scheduled Classes : 9 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
z/OS System Engineer Boot Camp
This z/OS System Engineer Boot Camp course is designed to provide students with the essential skills necessary to become . . .
- Duration: 30 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
z/OS System Programmer Fundamentals
This course is designed to describe the basic components that apply to all z/OS systems. It includes high level concepts . . .
- Duration: 32 Hours
- Scheduled Classes : 9 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
z/OS System Services Structure
This course presents the structure and control blocks of the z/OS BCP and system services. It prepares the new z/OS system . . .
- Duration: 36 Hours
- Scheduled Classes : 5 Scheduled Classes
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Basic z/OS Tuning Using the Workload Manager
Do you need to know how to establish a practical performance management program for your z/OS system? This course is designed . . .
- Duration: 36 Hours
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
We're sorry there are no current courses meeting your filters, but please contact a training advisor who can suggest alternatives aligned with your goals and interests.

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