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Apache Training Courses
Acquire knowledge and skill to become an expert in Apache HTTP Server, the free and open-source cross-platform web server software, with our training courses.
Course List
Apache Kafka
This course will teach Apache Kafka – a popular message queue – to students.
- Duration: 2 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Apache Storm
This course will teach Apache Storm – a popular event processing framework – to students.
- Duration: 2 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Intro to Deep Learning With TensorFlow
This Intro to Deep Learning With TensorFlow course is designed to introduces Deep Learning concepts and Tensorflow library . . .
- Duration: 3 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Introduction to Apache Ant
This course will introduce the student to the Apache Ant software used to build a variety of Java Applications. Build File . . .
- Duration: 2 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Introduction to Spark Programming
This course introduces the Apache Spark distributed computing engine, and is suitable for developers, data analysts, architects, . . .
- Duration: 4 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Machine Learning Essentials
This Machine Learning Essentials course is designed to introduce popular Machine Learning techniques. This course is taught . . .
- Duration: 3 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Solr for Developers
This Solr for Developers course is designed to provide students with hands-on experience configuring effective search and . . .
- Duration: 3 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Spark V2 for Data Analysts
This Spark V2 for Data Analysts course is designed to introduce Apache Spark. Students will learn how Spark version 2.x fits . . .
- Duration: 3 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Spark V2 for Developers
This Spark for Developers course is designed to to use Spark for data analysis and write Spark applications. This course . . .
- Duration: 3 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
Building Streaming Systems With Kafka + Spark + Cassandra
This course will teach students how to build streaming systems using the popular fast data stack: Apache Kafka + Apache . . .
- Duration: 5 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom, Virtual
We're sorry there are no current courses meeting your filters, but please contact a training advisor who can suggest alternatives aligned with your goals and interests.

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