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Oracle Database 12c: Administration Workshop II
Course Description
This course considers advanced features for Oracle 12c database administrators. Like any major software platform, the management of an Oracle database in a production environment can present challenges. Responding to those challenges requires more than just a basic understanding of database administration.Objectives
- Setting metric and alert thresholds for proactive database monitoring by the server alert framework.
- Globalization features within the database to support applications in multiple languages, currencies, time zones and countries.
- Database connection and session options that support thousands of concurrent users, including a shared servers configuration.
- Automatic database management, monitoring and tuning facilities. Included are automatic management of storage space and memory resources within the database and the role of the Segment Advisor and Memory Advisors.
- Automatic resumption of database operations even in the face of storage space allocation failures and errors.
- Protecting data-at-rest in the database using the advanced data security feature Transparent Data Encryption, as well as a solid overview of underlying encryption technologies, protocols and algorithms.
- Protecting data en route with Oracle Net Services encryption.
- An introduction to advanced space management topics, including custom space management attributes, resumable space allocation and other subjects.
- Advanced compression techniques for tables and indexes.
- Columnar vs. row-oriented database storage and the use of hybrid columnar compression.
- Heat map tracking of segment access to measure hot, warm and cold areas of the database that could be targeted for optimization.
- ILM data management and support for that framework with available features of the Oracle database.
- Automatic data optimization and policies that automatically implement the ILM concepts of row-level compression tiering, segment-level compression tiering and segment-level storage tiering.
- Implementing custom ILM storage management policies.
- In-memory storage of database objects, including big table caching, full database caching and in-memory column stores.
- Archiving inactive data inside the database while not degrading performance while limiting added storage costs.
- Introduce temporal validity into a table and perform flashback query operations using temporal validity criteria.
- Data redaction that allows data privacy policies to be dynamically enforced during queries.
- Database administrators
- Storage administrators
- System administrators
- Implementation specialists
- Data center support engineers
- DBOR-950 and DBOR-951 ORACLE DATABASE 12C: SQL FUNDAMENTALS (LEVELS I & II), or equivalent experience
- DBOR-952 and DBOR-953 ORACLE DATABASE 12C: PL/SQL FUNDAMENTALS (LEVELS I & II), or equivalent experience
- DBOR-955 ORACLE DATABASE 12C: INSTALL & UPGRADE WORKSHOP, or equivalent experience
- DBOR-956 ORACLE DATABASE 12C: ARCHITECTURE & INTERNALS, or equivalent experience
- Database Feature Usage
- Server Alert Framework
- Managing The Server Alerts Using EM CC
- pDB Level Alerts
- Globalization Settings
- Managing NLS Settings
- Date & Time Localization
- Linguistic Sorting & Matching
- Linguistic Indexes
- About Locale Builder
- Connection & Session Options
- Shared Servers Architecture
- Comparing Shared Servers & Dedicated Servers
- Configure Shared Servers
- Use Shared Servers
- Monitor Shared Servers
- Potential Threats
- Potential Attackers
- The Threat Matrix
- Database Security Checklist
- About Encryption
- Data-At-Rest Encryption
- Data-In-Transit Encryption
- Data-En-Route Encryption
- Encryption Limitations
- Encryption Algorithms & Potential Weaknesses
- Managing Encryption Keys
- About Transparent Data Encryption
- The SYSKM Administrator
- TDE Encryption Algorithms
- Understanding How Column Encryption Works
- Understanding How Tablespace Encryption Works
- Is TDE Unbreakable?
- Managing TDE
- Managing The Keystore
- Managing A Wallet Keystore Using SQL
- Managing A Wallet Keystore Using EM CC
- Managing A Wallet Keystore Using OWM
- Advanced Management Options
- Keystore Backups
- Migrate To HSM Keystore
- Wallet Open Options
- Regenerate Master Encryption Key
- Implement Tablespace Encryption
- Implement Column Encryption
- Assessing Encryption Usage
- Network-Launched Attacks
- Limiting Database Attacks
- Preventing Denial-of-service Attacks
- Avoiding Disclosure Of Vulnerabilities
- Oracle Net Services User Notifications
- Oracle Net Native Encryption
- Implementation With Oracle Net Manager
- Implementation With sqlnet.ora
- Space Management Best Practices
- Segment Storage Specifications
- Estimate & Track Space Usage
- Resumable Space Allocation
- Enable A Resumable Session
- Detect A Suspended Session
- Resuming A Session
- Deferred Segment Creation
- About The Segment Advisor
- Using The SHRINK SPACE Option
- Segment Advisor Within EM CC
- The Automatic Segment Advisor
- Programmatic Segment Advisor
- About Compression
- Table Compression
- Basic Table Compression
- Advanced Row Compression
- Additional Table Compression Considerations
- Index Compression
- Key Compression
- Advanced Index Compression
- Hybrid Columnar Compression
- Compression Analysis
- Using SQL Metadata Queries
- Using EM CC
- About ILM
- The Oracle Database & ILM Support
- Heat Map Tracking
- Automatic Data Optimization (ADO)
- Adding ADO Policies Using SQL
- Managing ADO Policies Using SQL
- Managing ADO Policy Evaluation
- Managing ADO Policies Using EM CC
- About Traditional Table Caching
- Big Table Caching
- Full Database Caching
- In-Memory Column Store
- IMCS Internals
- Configuring The IMCS
- Assigning Objects To The IMCS
- Assigning Columns To The IMCS
- Monitoring IMCS Using EM CC
- About In-Database Archiving
- In-Database Archival Tables
- In-Database Archiving Of Rows
- Temporal Validity
- About Data Redaction
- The Redaction Functions
- Using Function Type dbms_redact.random
- Using Function Type dbms_redact.partial
- Function Type dbms_redact.partial Shortcuts
- Using Function Type dbms_redact.regexp
- Function Type dbms_redact.regexp Shortcuts
- Defining Redaction Policies
- Managing Redaction Policies
- Customizing Full Redaction
- Viewing Redaction Metadata
- Using EM Cloud Control
- Inference Attacks
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- Delivery Format: Classroom Training, Online Training
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