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Oracle BI 11g: Create Analyses & Dashboards
Course Description
This Oracle BI 11g: Create Analyses & Dashboards course is designed to provide students with a step-by-step guide through the powerful features of the Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) product suite. Students will learn the concepts, methods and techniques for building sophisticated data analytic modules, along with organizing analytic results into interactive dashboards. Students will have a solid in order to progress onto the latest and most advanced data analytic capabilities.Objectives
- Understand background discussion of data warehousing, business intelligence (BI) and data analytics presented in a form that business professionals can readily understand.
- Explain background concepts regarding logical data models, star schema and snowflake schema warehouse models.
- Build analytical models using fact tables, dimensions, dimension hierarchies, cubes, measures and other multidimensional data model objects.
- Use interactive Dashboards to analyze data, uncover trends and make strategic business decisions.
- Export BI results to productivity software such as Microsoft Office or other external systems.
- Design customized Dashboards to reflect an individual's role, perspective or business interest.
- Create data analyses and dynamically interact with results produced from Oracle BI.
- Form analyses using sorts, filters and prompts.
- Format column output, subtotaling, customization of column properties and transforming column data using formulas.
- Create results with compound layouts, including views such as tabular, chart, pivot table, gauge and others.
- Manage content, permissions and access within the Presentation Catalog.
- This textbook includes dozens of learning exercises, with detailed point-and-click solutions also provided.
- The target audience for this course is any business professional seeking to analyze enterprise-wide or departmental information collected into an organization data warehouse including:
- Data architects
- Data warehouse administrators and analysts
- Business analysts
- Financial managers
- Market research professionals
- Human resource managers
- Procurement and vendor management professionals
- Field representatives
- Business development managers
- THE technology behind BI
- WAREHOUSE models & schemas
- DATA analytics & the warehouse
- ACCESS BI presentation services
- GLOBAL header & home page
- STAR & snowflake schema models
- THE presentation catalog
- THE dashboard interface
- VIEWING the analyses results
- WORKING with the analysis results
- FILTERING data via prompts
- DASHBOARD page options
- MANAGING page customizations
- CREATING a new analysis
- ADDING columns to the analysis
- MANAGING the analysis definition
- VIEWING the results
- WORKING with subject areas
- SORTING data
- REUSING filters
- CUSTOMZING column properties
- SYSTEM-WIDE column formatting
- COLUMN formulas
- ABOUT views
- WORKING with views
- TABLE view
- TITLE view
- CHART view
- GAUGE view
- PIVOT table concepts
- DEFINING the pivot table
- SECTIONS & pages
- TOTALS within pivot tables
- FILTERS view
- COLUMN selector view
- VIEW selector view
- TICKER view
- LEGEND view
- USING dashboard prompts
- PREPARING objects for dashboard deployments
- CREATING a dashboard
- UNDERSTANDING the dashboard structure
- USING the dashboard editor
- MANAGING saved content
- MANAGING dashboard objects
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DBOR-939- Duration: 2 Days
- Delivery Format: Classroom Training, Online Training
- Price: 1,400.00 USD
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- Same in-demand topics as instructor-led public and private classes.
- Standalone learning or supplemental reinforcement.
- e-Learning content varies by course and technology.
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